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分离还是合好?Separate or united?

更何况他们团结一致。And they are united.

第一,身体流生吃曼联。First, out-muscle United.

一直站在曼联队对立面。Has had run-ins with United.

我支持曼彻斯特联队。I support Manchester United.

椰城仰望蓝天。Ocean′s blue, united the sky.

瞧这叶子,两部分紧紧相连。See the leaf, two parts united.

他们以美国为榜样。They look to the United States.

加拿大与美国接壤。Canada adjoins the United States.

尤文是只团结一致的球队。Juve are a solid and united team.

墨西哥与美国接壤。Mexico adjoins the United States.

全国人民团结紧。The whole nation is closely united.

他们不憎恨我们。They didn't hate the United States.

加拿大和美国邻接。Canada and the United States adjoin.

英格兰和苏格兰在1706年合并。England and Scotland united in 1706.

英格兰和苏格兰于1707年合并。England and Scotland united in 1707.

我生活在一个团结友爱的班级。I'm in a united and fraternal class.

美国的M-4坦克战斗员。M-4 tank crews of the United States.

美国接界于加拿大。The United States borders on Canada.

他们在桑德豪斯神甫的主持下结了婚。They were united by Father Sandhaus.