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我们只能无限接近真相!We can only close unlimitedly truth!

该地区的食品供应将不受限制。Food will be supplied unlimitedly in that area.

这些扩张,收缩,可以重复无限。These expansions–contractions can be repeated unlimitedly.

设立人对律师事务所的债务承担无限责任。The promoter shall be unlimitedly liable for the debts of the law firm.

退料皮带无级调速,并可选择不用。Unloading material strap can be adjusted unlimitedly , and can choose not to use it.

经营管理成本的存在,决定了银行规模不能无限制扩张。But owing to the existence of operating cost, commercial banks couldn t expand unlimitedly.

科技不必然是冰冷的,善用得当反而可以让教育的温暖更能无限制而有效率地传递。Making good use of technology can help the tender sentiments being delivered most efficiently and unlimitedly.

世界上的政党,从形成之日起,毫无例外地都有自己的价值观。Political parties all over the world unlimitedly have had their own viewpoints on value since the birth of them.

在喧闹的都市里,是您,凝聚了一道道亮丽的风景线,您所发出的光在这夜空下无限延伸!It is you, Shengtuo lamps, build so many scenery lines in the boisterous city . Your light extends unlimitedly under the nightsky!

最后求解得出,不管哪种合作竞争类型,其供应商数量都无限接近于最低临界点的数量。At last, Whatever the type of co-competition, the outcome is that the quantity of suppliers is close unlimitedly to the minimum critical point.

基于具有同构关系的对应点无限衍生技术,采用数学归纳法证明了这个充分必要条件的成立。Based on the technique for unlimitedly generating the corresponding pairs of vertices, this condition is proved with the method of mathematical induction.

基于具有同构关系的对应点无限衍生技术,采用反证法证明了这个充分必要条件的成立。With the help of the technique for unlimitedly generating the corresponding pairs of vertices, this condition is proved with the method of reduction to absurdity.

在经济政策方面,布什政府放任华尔街无限制地发展高风险业务,并且有意让美元贬值。In the economic policy aspect, Bush Administration laissez faire Wall Street develops the high risk service unlimitedly , and intends to let US dollar depreciation.

对自然环境的无限制开发从而实现经济的增长是以对自然资源的开发也是对环境的破坏为代价的,环境成本因素被忽略了。To improve economy by developing the natural environment unlimitedly is to develop the natural resources destructively, ignoring the factor of the environmental cost.

世界上几个成熟的CBD如曼哈顿、拉德方斯、新宿等等,无一例外地都对城市乃至国家经济实力提升作出了重要贡献。Some well developed CBD in the world do unlimitedly important contribution to the Promotion of the region50 much as the nation such as Manhattan, La defense and Shin-juku.

它的本质是批判与革命。它的形式是对话与辩驳。它的敌人是独断论与诡辩。它的内容是无穷的丰富与具体。Its essence is criticism and revolution, its forms are dialogue and dispute, its opposites are dogmatism and sophism, and its contents are unlimitedly abundant and concrete.

因此,现代社会无限依赖理性制度调适的路径,会误读现代社会调适模式,而且会淤塞思考社会善治问题的理论通路。So that the modern society relies on the adjustment path of the rational system unlimitedly will misread the social adjustment ways, and also confuse our thinking about moral conduct?

但是,水资源有限,从地表水中不可能以破坏生态环境为代价无限止地供给农业用水。And because the water resources are limited, it is impossible to provide water for the agriculture unlimitedly form the surface water with the price of damaging the ecological environment.

就作为“教”之本质意义上的“传道”与“反思”的层面而言,“教”是不能进行的,我们只能“无限”的切近,对教之本质的切近须靠“点拨”和“熏陶”。With regard to this concept, what we can do is getting close to the essence of teaching unlimitedly by means of "introspection" and "edification", for the teaching cannot proceed to approach it.

在这开放性空间中,以火车为移动工具拉开穿越空间的时间轴线,让不同地区的观者以非预期的偶遇方式联结作品,无限且没有规律性地呈现另个开放场域的情境。In this public space, the time passed through the space by train made observers from different ways came across unexpectedly to show the situation of another open space unlimitedly and irregularly.