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但他以前确实没有学习动力。But he was very unmotivated.

我们觉得毫无灵感,没有动力。We feel uninspired and unmotivated.

你对他的憎恨是没有依据的Your hatred towards them was unmotivated.

有时我会放自己一两天假,懒得动。I sometimes take a day or two off and feel unmotivated.

厌倦的情绪是否使你激情和斗志全无?Does the experience of boredom make you unmotivated and unexcited?

你是因为疲劳、害怕、腻烦或是生气而没有动力吗?Are you unmotivated because your tired, afraid, bored, restless or angry.

老师就责怪他动机不明确,觉得他不聪明。The teacher chides him for being unmotivated and assumes he is not bright.

交叉训练对于这段无动力期疗效甚好。Cross-training can be a great way to work through those unmotivated phases.

噢,只能指人,指那些懒懒散散,没有动力的人。Yes, it is only used to describe people, those who are lazy and unmotivated.

如果一年中的这个时候你感到没有动力跑步,你是在优秀的队伍中!If you're feeling unmotivated to run this time of year, you're in excellent company!

企业的类型和动机不明的领导人正在流动。Entrepreneurial types and thought leaders who feel confined or unmotivated are moving.

安定药的副作用使得托米感觉眩晕,发困,全身乏力。The side effects of anti-psychotic drugs made him feel dizzy, sleepy, and unmotivated.

而且,约12000条日记中,三分之一流露出记录者的不悦之情,或者表达的是他们工作动机并不那么明确。In one-third of the 12, 000 diary entries, the diarist was unhappy, unmotivated or both.

如果你觉得缺乏动力,有可能是因为你面临的都是些让你感到沉闷的事情。If you're feeling unmotivated , it may just be that the things on your to-do list bore you.

我发现,如果我让节食继续到周末,那样就会感觉到疲倦,抑郁,甚至无精打采。I found myself tired, depressed, and unmotivated if I tried to continue my diet into the weekend.

世界上所有的战略创新均不能弥补懈怠的员工或低生产力造成的损失。All the strategic innovation in the world cannot compensate for an unmotivated staff or low productivity.

他们的写作,用着背离传统的情节和看似毫无行动原则的角色,强调着存在即是荒谬。Their writing, with its unconventional plots and seemingly unmotivated characters, stressed that existence was absurd.

而泰勒则担心凯碧会因为绚丽虚华的歌唱舞台将使凯碧无心于学术研究。While Taylor is worried because magnificent Kaibi virtual stage, the choir will Kaibi unmotivated in academic research.

有可能达到这样的程度,你生活的唯一目标就是找到那个意中人,而你发现自己对其他的事情都失去了动力。It may get to the point where your only goal in life is to find someone, and you'll find yourself feeling unmotivated to take care of other things.

这些孩子往往认为他们比老师知道得还多,而老师们则感到这些孩子傲慢无礼、漫不经心或缺乏学习的动力。Often these children realize that they know more than their teachers and their teacheni often feel that these children are arrogant, inattentive, or unmotivated.