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他乘人不觉溜出房间。He slipped unobserved out of the house.

亲吻的那一瞬间是不可预测的。The moment of the kiss was almost unobserved.

他在会议室一个不为人注意的犄角坐下来。He took his seat in an unobserved corner of the assembly room.

她计划乘黄昏时候人不知鬼不觉地溜走。She contrived to slip away unobserved in the dusk of the afternoon.

NET框架4.5更改此默认行为例外避人耳目。NET Framework 4.5 changes this default behavior for unobserved exceptions.

我们没有获得独自到处走走的看看的时间。There wasn’t a moment when we could wander off and walk around unobserved.

我在外面走动,起先没有给里面注意到,那窗子根深而且很高。I walked about the outside, at first unobserved from within, the window was so deep and high.

就算统计分布中央的可预测风险显得少了,那些不可观测的尾部风险却在上升。Even as the predictable centre of the distribution appears less risky, the unobserved tail risk has grown.

我们不能让权力像这样操作,听之任之,并观察到,即使它是目前使用的良性。We cannot allow a power like this to operate, unchecked and unobserved , even if it is currently used benignly.

现在独立工作的两组物理学家已经证实了看不见的自然确实存在。Now two groups of physicists working independently have demonstrated that nature is indeed real when unobserved.

它反映了统计误差,而且考虑到没有观察到的供应量、少报的需求量和瞒报的库存量变化情况。It reflects statistical error and takes into account unobserved supply, underreported demand and unreported stock changes.

肯定的是其他的种族最后的男人女人们都自始至终屈从在被历史的掩盖之下,世界都不知道他们的逝去。Certainly other last tribesmen and -women have succumbed unobserved throughout history, the world unaware of their passing.

这认知机制的运作可以带给认知主体新的知识,亦即关于某个物体尚未观察到的表面特徵的知识。Category-related projection brings new knowledge to cognitive subjects about some as yet unobserved surface feature of an object.

我本人常常看到你——在你没注意我的时候——看到你在大英博物馆里若有所思地踱步,我喜欢你那样子。I myself have often, and unobserved by you, seen you in the British Museum walking about in the depth of thought, and I liked you for it.

正因为东翼的办公室大部分是用来办理社会性或后勤性事务的,所以它是一个避人耳目的开会的好地方。Precisely because the offices in the East Wing deal largely with social or logistical matters it was a good place for an unobserved meeting.

丧偶者谈到过着无人关注的生活的痛苦——没有人知道他们什么时候回家,什么时候睡觉或醒来。Widows and widowers speak of the pain of living an unobserved life – of having no one who knows what time they come home, go to bed, or woke up.

当一个经济体由行政决定的工资体系转向由市场决定的工资体系时,对于可观察和不可观察能力的回报都会增加。When an economy shifts from an administratively determined wage system to a market-oriented one, rewards to both observed and unobserved skills increase.

利用新菲利普斯曲线,本文设定包含通胀与产出的非观测成分模型估计中国的核心通胀率与产出缺口。Using the New Keynesian Phillips Curve, I estimate the core inflation rate and the output gap in the post-reform period in a bivariate unobserved components model.

他趁人没注意,凿穿了一堵隔墙,偷走了一袋价值三四百几尼的金币,供他今后继续浪迹江湖。He had cut through a bulkhead unobserved and had removed one of the sacks of coin worth perhaps three or four hundred guineas to help him on his further wanderings.

他乘人不备凿穿舱壁,偷走了一袋值三四百基尼的金币,这下子他今后的漂泊生涯可不用犯愁了。He had cut through a bulkhead unobserved and had removed one of the sacks of coin, worth perhaps three or four hundred guineas, to help him on his further wanderings.