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这个党派的领袖未遇反对,再次当选。The party leader was re-elected unopposed.

委员会一致通过再次选举他为党的领袖。The council re-elected him unopposed as party leader.

在新防区的登陆几乎没有遭到任何抵抗。The landing at the new sector was virtually unopposed.

在阿迪德的支持下,谢尔库赫无阻地进入了开罗。With the support of al-Adid, Shirkuh entered Cairo unopposed.

然而抵制等于以“无声的方式”把政权拱手让给穆加贝。Yet a boycott would hand Mr Mugabe victory unopposed , in a silent coup.

研究真实的外星人照片或是观看UFO在天空中适意飞行的视频。Examine actual UFO photos or watch a video as possible UFOs lord over the skies unopposed.

第二天,北越的坦克毫无抵抗地开进了西贡市中心。该座城市被更名为胡志明市。The following day, NVA tanks drove unopposed into central Saigon. The city was renamed Ho Chi Minh City.

其目的是压制和打击人民的积极性,因为这可以让实权派继续统治不会沦为反对派。The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.

参选至少可以阻止大热门政务司司长曾荫权自动当选。Joining the election would at least prevent Chief Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, the frontrunner, being returned unopposed.

子宫内膜长期暴露于雌激素的作用下而没有孕激素的拮抗从而导致内膜增生过长。C. Etiology. Exposure of the endometrium to continuous estrogen unopposed by progesterone can lead to endometrial hyperplasia.

曾经在安理会担任过三期非常任理事国的墨西哥在角逐拉丁美洲和加勒比地区席位的过程中没有遇到对手。Mexico, which has served three previous terms on the council, was unopposed in its bid for the Latin America and Caribbean seat.

他们没有遭到抵抗就到达了森林的另一头,忽然遭到了美军小股部队的猛烈袭击。Their advance was unopposed until they reached the far side of the forest, when heavy American small-arms fire stalled the attack.

在通往戈里的入口处只能听到零星枪声,俄罗斯人看来已在基本未遭抵抗的情况下占领了这座城市。Only rare bursts of gunfire could be heard at the entrance to Gori, and the Russians seem to have captured the city largely unopposed.

在选区未逢敌手,什叶派女士——撒瓦萨•塔卡维已然当选。Shia woman, Sawsan Taqawi, has already been elected after standing unopposed in her constituency, but her victory was marred by smears.

这个裁定意味着从1998年开始掌管足球主体机构的75岁的瑞士人布拉特,在周三的选举中将不受反对继续连任。The ruling means Blatter, the 75-year-old Swiss who has run world soccer's governing body since 1998, will stand unopposed at Wednesday's election.

立法会独立议员詹培忠计划参与新的行政长官补选,因为他不希望有人自动当选。Independent legislator, Chim Pui-chung, plans to run in the election for the chief executive so as to prevent the next chief executive being selected unopposed.

在这个阶段出现慢性无排卵和孕激素不足,可以导致无对抗性的雌激素暴露和子宫内膜过渡增生。B. Chronic anovulation and progesterone deficiency in this transition period may lead to long periods of unopposed estrogen exposure and endometrial hyperplasia.

如候选人没有竞争对手,第一号位任期是六年,第二号位任期是四年,而第三号位任期是两年。In the event that the candidates are unopposed , Position No. 1 is for a six-year term, Position No. 2 for a four-year term, and Position No. 3 for a two-year term.

如果你有子宫,就要应用一些促孕剂来保护雌激素抵抗时癌前期变化对子宫内膜的影响。If you have a uterus you should also use some form of progestational agent to protect the uterine lining from pre-cancerous changes that can occur when estrogen is "unopposed."

要是在原定地区登陆的话,德军海岸炮群无疑会拼命抵抗并给盟军造成惨重伤亡。在新防区的登陆几乎没有遭到任何抵抗。The German shore batteries that would have contested a landing in the original area would undoubtedly have taken a heavy toll. The landing at the new sector was virtually unopposed.