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不要人为地去掩饰生活中的不尽人意之处。Don't engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life.

正是那云雀唱得如此走调、扯起嘶哑的喉咙、发出讨厌的尖叫声。It is the lark that sings so out of them, straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps.

正是那云雀唱得如此走调、扯起嘶哑的喉咙、发出讨厌的尖叫声。It is the lark that sings so out of them, straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps.

后来的美术家对古画中看不顺眼的部分有时用油彩涂掉。Parts of old paintings which appear unpleasing to later artists are sometimes painted out.

现代美术家有时对古画中所看不顺眼的部分用油漆涂掉。Parts of old paintings which appear unpleasing to modern artists are sometimes painted out.

所以要做回自己,不要沉沦到一个令你的生活不愉快的面具中去。So be yourself. Don't engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life.

在早些年,所有装有外部天线的手机在在审美上都是不好的。In the earlier years, all cellular phones shipped with external antennas that stuck out in aesthetically unpleasing ways.

我一直都喜欢山猫,但山猫太危险,而且有时会在我脸上留下令人不悦的“不灭的痕迹”。For a long time I loved tiger cats, but they are too dangerous, and the"living prints" which they sometimes left upon my face, were unpleasing.

当我减速时,动作变得紧张同时弹出来的声音变得不好这样使我更加的紧张和更多失误。When I slow it down, the effort becomes intense and the product is more often than not unpleasing which leads to greater tension and more frustration.

丹哥拉先生大约二十五岁,他的表情和态度令人很不舒服,法老号上没有一个人喜欢丹哥拉先生。Mr. Danglars was a man of about twenty-five years of age. Both his face and his manner were unpleasing . None of the men on board the Pharaoh liked Danglars.

在平常的时候,他的面貌还不算难看,可是在盛怒之下,他那浓眉和凶恶的下颚就组成了一副可憎的面貌。His face in repose was not an unpleasing one, though his heavy brows and aggressive chin gave him, as I had lately seen, a terrible expression when moved to anger.

例如,葡萄酒会因为酸低而口感平淡味短,或者因为丹宁高显得味苦。For example, a wine may fall short of the mark because a low level of acidity leaves it tasting slightly flat or a high level of tannin gives it an unpleasing bitterness.

这首诗写完了,但是帷幕并没有把宇宙快乐的那一面夺走,而且此后世界上没有一个人或者一件事物对我是渺小无味的。The poem came to an end, but the curtain did not fall upon the joy aspect of the Universe. And it came to be so that no person or thing in the world seemed to me trivial or unpleasing.