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但是,暴风雪没有松懈下来的迹象。But the storm was unrelenting.

无尽的黑暗则是妨碍深海探索的另一大障碍,因为阳光只能穿透几百米深的海水。Unrelenting darkness is another barrier to exploring the deep.

新的课表安排得太冷酷无情了。这学期开了七门课!This new class schedule is unrelenting. There are seven classes this semester.

稀少的对话,恢弘的场面,这部电影在观众心里挥之不去。With sparse dialogue, and a choppy plot, the movie is unrelenting on its audiences.

电视、报纸和其他媒体的报道铺天盖地,几乎从不间断。Television, newspaper and other media coverage is widespread and almost unrelenting.

媒体的焦光灯如此穷追不舍,以致于那种马戏团般的氛围甚至波及到主审法官。The spotlight was so unrelenting that the circus atmosphere affected even the judge.

无情的旱灾催发了中国人工降雨火箭的需求。The unrelenting drought has boosted southern China's demand for cloud seeding rockets.

大多数地区持续的热天气,压制了购物者对秋衣的需求。Unrelenting hot weather in most of the country depressed shoppers' appetite for fall clothing.

刮风下雨对马萨诸塞州人是司空见惯的,但这一次却是风狂雨骤。Wind and rain are no strangers to Massachusetts, but this rain was torrential and unrelenting.

这些驱动因素对加快业务解决方案的面市产生了巨大的压力。And these drivers are creating unrelenting pressure to get the business solution to market quickly.

我想通过自己百折不饶的努力和自信心在不久的将来成为一个书法家或作家。I want to pass his unrelenting efforts and confidence in the future become a calligrapher or writer.

各类电视机之间难分伯仲,价格竞争也呈现激烈态势。The televisions were hard to differentiate, and the price competition was cutthroat and unrelenting.

在谈到金融家的时候,麦金泰尔用决不妥协的坚定力量运用其形而上学途径。When it comes to the money-men, MacIntyre applies his metaphysical approach with unrelenting rigour.

敌人寒冷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.

对我们这种还没富裕到万事不愁的家庭来说,养儿育女为家庭财政带来了无情的重压。For those of us who aren't independently wealthy, that puts unrelenting pressure on the family pocketbook.

敌人残酷无情,我们别无选择,要么奋起抵抗,要么屈膝投降。Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.

在住院医师训练中,时间紧凑并且伴随着无情的步伐,再加上身上手上许多层的具有保护性质的乳胶外衣和手套。Residency training, with its harsh hours and unrelenting pace, added several more layers of protective shellac.

我国的志愿军人在战场上英勇无畏,坚贞不屈,表现了无比高尚的情操和气节。The volunteers of our military are unrelenting in battle, unwavering in loyalty, unmatched in honor and decency.

做一件从未做过的事需要做大量的心理斗争,无畏的勇气和持续不断的坚韧意志。To succeed to do what’s never been done before requires an enormous amount of fight grit and unrelenting tenacity.

胡萝卜本是硬的,坚固而且强度大,但受到煮沸的水的影响后,它变得柔软而脆弱。The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. But after going through boiling water, it softened and became weak.