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自治法是一种非体系化状态。Autonomous legislation is an unsystematic state.

数百年来,这都是一个混乱、无系统的行业。For centuries, it was an unregulated, unsystematic business.

相关的法律规范缺位,使得医疗责任保险无章可循。Forth, the related legal norms are absent, which make Medical Liability Insurance unsystematic.

然而,目前国内对英语词汇教与学的研究还很薄弱、零散。However, in China, research in vocabulary learning and teaching is rather weak and unsystematic.

基础教育阶段的英语教学仍存在教学目的模糊、教学方法零乱等现象。The English teaching of the primary education stage has the obscure teaching aims and unsystematic methods.

英语专业课程资源不足、课程规划尚不成体系,制约了英语专业本科生的学习自由。The insufficient resources and unsystematic course program restrict English major students learning freedom.

满意度模型实证研究包括系统性方法和非系统性方法。The demonstration research of CS models can be done through both the systematic and the unsystematic methods.

因此,电视上的暴力镜头,可以说对托敏治疗有着无规律及意想不到的效果。Thus, the violence shown on T. V. could be said to have the unsystematic and unintended effect of desensitization.

他总结管理决定是决定被存在的生产的最好方法的无体系和没有研究。He concluded that management decisions were unsystematic and no research to determine the best means of production existed.

当然,还有一些问题依然存在,需要在下一教学循环中认真解决。Being unsystematic has been identified to be the major problem existing in the first round of student-centred English teaching.

发展型国家概念充满许多视为当然的命题,缺乏系统和反省。The theory of developmental state consists of many propositions, which are unsystematic , contradictory, and taken for granted.

但是,我国翻译批评与西方相比,更缺乏理论的指导与批评的系统性。But compared with the West, Chinese translation criticism lacks theoretical guidelines and is therefore relatively unsystematic.

中国佛教的制度建设往往具有滞后性与非系统性。The Chinese Buddhist system has always been sluggish and unsystematic in its development, resulting often in the Sinicization of the system.

特里林文化批评的话语特征体现在批评风度、批评的情节以及批评话语的悖论性、零散性等三个方面。The findings in this aspect include Trilling's critical manners, critical plot, paradoxical and unsystematic features of his critical discourse.

这种审美的多元性在给现代陶艺创造了一个自由发挥空间的同时,也使其创作有些杂乱无章。This variety not only give artists a wide space to creat modern ceramic art freely, but also make this creating a bit disorder and unsystematic.

这些小构筑物,如果在设计时考虑周全,处理得当,不仅不会令人有杂乱无章的感觉,反而会给整个地段添加新的亮点。With proper and particular design, the small structures will not make you feel disorderly and unsystematic . They may be attractive features instead.

然而这种风险影响大范围的证券,非系统风险影响一个非常特定群体的证券或单个证券。Whereas this type of risk affects a broad range of securities, unsystematic risk affects a very specific group of securities or an individual security.

庞杂无序的网络信息资源为用户快速获取所需信息带来了极大的不便,对其实施有效开发已显得极为迫切。The unsystematic and disorderly network information resources are bound set to difficulty for the users who are eager to find out the required information.

但是随着市场经济的推进以及改革的非系统化进行,使得农业技术推广体制难以满足经济、社会发展的客观需要。But with the advance of market economy and unsystematic reforming, the system is becoming more unreliable to meet the needs of economic and social development.

尽管越复杂的汉字越经常能被拆解为简单的元素,这么做的过程却太不系统以至于想要机械化它的尝试被有效地证明为不可能。And although the more complex characters can often be decomposed into simpler elements, the process of doing so is so unsystematic that mechanising it efficiently proved impossible.