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这个问题还是无人过问。The problem remains untouched.

非接触式单的新曲。New song from Untouched single.

其他的痕迹仍停留不变。Other traces still stays untouched.

他们走了,没有一盘菜没动过。They left without a plate untouched.

但广场上其他店铺未受影响。Other shops in the square remained untouched.

他工作了一天,午饭都没动。He worked all day, leaving his lunch untouched.

一颗纯洁璀璨的明珠就卧在清澈溪底。In a clear stream lies an untouched bright pearl.

具有其他后缀的文件将原封不动。Files with other suffixes would be left untouched.

阿嘉莎一直在祈祷,30天过去了,她仍保持着自己的贞操。She prayed and after 30 days remained still untouched.

新的纪录一直保持了25年。Ederle's record remained untouched for nearly 25 years.

而这种不被大象光顾的相思树是蚂蚁非常喜欢的栖息地。And that the untouched acacia was a favorite ant habitat.

他一清早就走了,早饭一动也没动。He set off early in the morning with the breakfast untouched.

我是一个十分骄傲顽固的人,在基督信仰面前长期冥顽不化。For a long time I stood untouched in front of Christian belief.

这是一片没有尚未开发的森林,我们也想要保存它的原生态。This is untouched forest and we want to maintain it the same way.

经理在报告中没有提及过职工的福利问题。The manager left the welfare of the staff untouched in his report.

巴塞尔III协议对这种行为几乎毫无提及。The practice was left nearly untouched by the Basel III agreement.

女孩最近对留在她舱位门外的餐饭纹丝未动。The girl had left most of her meals untouched outside her cabin door.

国内对理雅各的研究还有许多空白点有待于深入探讨。But the study of James Legge in China has left some aspects untouched.

在这里,我带着呼吸器跳入没有被旅游人群接触过的原始海域。Here, I scuba dived in pristine waters untouched by the tourist crowds.

请注意,我漂亮地回避了阿诺德施瓦辛格。Please note that I have gallantly left Arnold Schwarzenegger untouched.