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它们以为把绳子解开会对他有些好处。They think it'll do some good untying him.

这就是逆运动学求解的过程。This is the process of untying the countrary sport.

我依然在等待、我们之间一生解不开的结。I am still waiting for the untying knot between our life.

接着她解了捆,一根一根地给他们折。Then untying the fagot , she gave them the sticks to break one by one.

很快,计算机在这个公司中得到使用,员工们忙着解开各种新设备的包装。The employees were busy untying all kinds of packages of new equipments.

若有人问为什么解它,你们就说,主要用它。If anyone asks you, 'Why are you untying it? ' tell him, 'The Lord needs it.

在打开围栏上巨大的网格门后,Galaz和他的潜水员们开始赶鱼。After untying the large mesh gates on the pen, Galaz and his divers began herding fish.

在运动技能方面,指甲可用来解开死结,准备食物。They help when we’re performing fine motor skills, like untying knots and preparing food.

一种揭开政治疙瘩的方法,用舌头解不开,那就用牙齿咬吧。A method of untying with the teeth of a political knot that would not yield to the tongue.

若是有机会还真想一探究竟解开谜团呢。If there is an chance still actually thinking an investigation unexpectedly untying mystery corps.

于是野蛮人给国王松了绑,放了他——由于迷信,他们从来不吃不完整的东西。Being superstitious, they never ate anyone who was less than whole. So untying the king, they sent him on his way.

她急忙把手帕上的结解开,将一把便士倒在柜台上。“我把所有的钱都拿出来了。”She had been busily untying the knots in a handkerchief and now she poured out a handful of pennies on the counter.

很快,计算机在这个公司中得到使用,员工们忙着解开各种新设备的包装。Soon, the computer was put to use in the company. The employees were busy untying all kinds of packages of new equipments.

拍摄结束后,克罗斯比解开他的冰鞋,同时他也意识到,他可以成为联盟优秀的市场宣传工具。Mr. Crosby, while untying his skates after filming the spot, acknowledged his place as the pre-eminent marketing tool for the league.

她急忙把手帕上的结解开,将一把便士倒在柜台上。“我把所有的钱都拿出来了。”She had been busily untying the knots in a handkerchief and now she poured out a handful of pennies on the counter, " I emptied my band."

最后,在一方快要得分的那种热闹和兴奋之际,我趁机去解开那系钥匙的结。At last, in the excitement of one side being about to make a score, I seized my opportunity and set about untying the knot which held the keys.

报告显示,去年全国各地的民政局共受理离婚案件129万起,诉讼离婚案件共62万2千起。Civil affairs bureaux across the country handled 1.29 million of the cases, with 622,000 couples untying the knot through the courts, the report said.

作为殖民地都柏林的漫游者,布鲁姆能够以他的「视差式」思考,或多元的角度来摆脱英国或爱尔兰人意识型态的枷锁。He, a flâneur in colonial Dublin, is capable of untying ideological chains of British and Irish with his parallactic thinking, the multiple perspectives.

整个黄昏,他就在箱子桌子堆里摸索,手抖抖的解开许多文件,把它们收拾整齐,准备乔斯回家的时候给他看。He passed the evening fumbling amongst his boxes and desks, untying his papers with trembling hands, and sorting and arranging them against Jos's arrival.

卓待百官到了,然后徐徐到园门下马,带剑入席。Dong Zhuo waited until all the officials had arrived and then with his steed slowly rode to the gate dismounted and entered the grounds without untying his sword.