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多拉决定要收留一只被弃养的宠物。Dora decided to take an unwanted pet in.

这些就是我们生活中讨厌的细节。These are the unwanted minutiae in our lives.

发生非意愿妊娠有多种原因。Unwanted pregnancies happen for many reasons.

用不必要的信号屏蔽信号设置。Mask the signal set with the unwanted signals.

坚硬的表面可产生不必要的混响。Hard surfaces can cause unwanted reverberation.

例如,姿色代表不想要的接触。Purple, for example, represents unwanted touching.

这些水的保留就等于多余的体重。This water retention equals extra unwanted weight.

“好,”我没好气地说,“只是感觉有点不受欢迎。”"Fine, " I snap. "Just feeling a little unwanted. "

包括细网屏陷阱不必要的泥沙。Includes a fine mesh screen to trap unwanted sediment.

影片以一曲压抑的悲歌结束了。The film concludes with a threnody about the unwanted.

她从不支出积蓄去买多余之物。She never withdraws the savings to buy unwanted things.

我们可以用像皮檫工具去擦走不想要的部分。The eraser tool can be used to erase the unwanted part.

他试图把不要的客人交给钟森家。He tried to palm off his unwanted guest on the Johnsons.

不需要的录音只要退一下磁就可以抹掉。Unwanted recordings may simply be erased by demagnetizing.

你大概会有很想忘掉的记忆或是噩梦,甚至是事件的突然闪回。You may have unwanted memories or flashbacks and nightmares.

他们把暂时不需要的东西放在抽屉里、壁橱中和搁楼上。They leave unwanted objects in drawers, cupboards and attics.

对段先生来说,中国农历新年根本就是个多余的假期。For Mr. Duan, Chinese New Year is just more unwanted time off.

在杆端头轴承周围擦去多余的油脂BMS3-33。Wipe unwanted grease, BMS3-33 from around the rod end bearings.

垃圾你不想要的讯息发到你的电子信箱。Spam is unwanted sales messages sent to your electronic mailbox.

对不要的宠物进行安乐死,令他老婆很恶心。To euthanize unwanted pets has made his wife sick to her stomach.