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与世无争地捆绑在一起,分享精神与思想。Bound together in some unworldly way, sharing a spirit or so the like.

如果脱离背景来描述他,有可能使他显得天真而超凡脱俗。To portray him out of context could make him appear naive and unworldly.

让她突出的,是自信,以及对她未来超脱于名利之外的必然,这个加冕典礼。What distinguishes her is poise, an unworldly certainty in her future, the coronation.

读者千万不要以为这些思虑都太超凡绝俗,太与现实生活脱节。Do not think that these considerations are unworldly and too far removed from real life.

朴树是一位脱俗的歌手,他厌恶宣传,厌恶交际,厌恶虚假。As a bit unworldly singer, Pushu hates commercial advertising, social activities, and false faces.

通常修道院都规定有严格的行为准则,确保修道者免受外来的骚扰和诱惑。Usually a monastery will have strict rules of conduct to protect its unworldly members from temptation.

奥威尔,属于温和而脱俗的那类人,搬来时只有一张行军床、一张桌子、一些椅子和一些炊事用具。Orwell, a gentle, unworldly sort of man, arrived with just a camp bed, a table, a couple of chairs and a few pots and pans.

设计师期望以酒店式的温暖赋予办公空间脱俗的空间品质。The designer aims to add hotel-like warmth to the office, giving it an unworldly touch and quality beyond an ordinary office.

是属于精神层面或另一个空间的东西时,我们就很难再使用世俗的事物来加以说明了。When we discuss unworldly things that belong to the spirit aspect or other space, we have difficulty in taking the worldly sample.

星球大战的创作者,乔治卢卡斯,据说是用了某种“公式”给他科幻英雄传奇小说中的人物起“超脱世俗”的名字的。The creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, is rumoured to use a "formula" to generate " unworldly "names for the characters in his sci-fi saga.

它很奇怪,因为是幻想出来的,甚至是来自恶梦中的,但又是以轻巧的触感雕塑而成,因而抑制住了我们的恐惧。It is strange because it seems unworldly , a product of the imagination, of nightmares even, but sculpted with a lightness of touch keeps our fear at bay.

作者在描绘芬奇先生容易受骗、不暗世故时小心谨慎,强调一个“生性再多疑一点”的人也不会上这个文件的当。The author is careful to portray Mr. Finch as being gullible and unworldly , stressing that a "more sceptical" person would not be taken in by this document.

尽管在这两人中没有什么非尘世的事发生,但看起来他们象是在不同的时间框架里行动,而且在正常状态下无法理解对方。Although nothing unworldly occurs between the two individuals, it seems like they behave in different time frames, and do not understand each other on a normal mundane level.

步入30的人道主义者戴安娜要比20岁的懵懂新娘戴安娜成熟许多,查尔斯本应好好和她生活在一起的。The more mature humanitarian Diana would have been a spouse Charles could have related to well if she had been 30 when he married her instead of an unworldly 20-year-old bride.