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我的卑微需要你来原谅。You must forgive me my unworthiness.

其次、他承认自己的不配。Second, he confessed his own unworthiness.

比起骄傲你更多倾向于无价值感。You are more prone to unworthiness than pride.

他承认,他不配在在场的神。He recognized his unworthiness in the presence of divinity.

是否你的内疚感和无价值感阻碍了你去接受呢?Does your own guilt or unworthiness stop you from receiving?

许多人都认为错误是毫无价值的迹象。A lot of people take their mistakes as signs of their unworthiness.

在你清除掉所有卑劣的品性之前,我们的战争不会停止。Purge yourself of all unworthiness . Until then, we must remain at war.

自视甚低实际上是一种错误的自我认知。Unworthiness and a poor self-image are really just a case of mistaken identity.

最伟大的属灵英雄往往是历尽沧桑,不配神重用的人。Some of the greatest faith heroes have been people who had the most broken lives and unworthiness.

当我屈膝祷告时,自觉不配的感觉不但不会拦阻我祷告,反而帮助我信靠神。When I bow down to pray, the awareness of my unworthiness will not hinder me but will help me trust God.

那些“不配”的思想存在于在人们的头脑中,就会阻碍了他们看到他们真实的自我。Thoughts such as "unworthiness" creep into people's minds and prevent them from seeing their true selves.

仅把自己的过失和错误决定看成是毫无意义的自会使人更痛苦、变得更自私自利。that seeing our mistakes and poor decisions as indicators of unworthiness leads to self-absorption and more pain.

杰出的圣徒极少认为自己可以与什麽作比较,因他们敏感到自己的不配。Eminent saints have scarcely known to what to compare themselves, their sense of unworthiness has been so clear and keen.

尽管雅各不配得,又有许多罪,但上帝怜悯和赦免的声音给了他勇气继续前进。Despite his unworthiness and sins he heard the merciful and forgiving voice of God which gave him the courage to carry on.

我们若想学佛法,首先,而且是绝对必要的就是,视轮回为一不具结果和价值的东西。If we do want to learn Buddha-dharma, initially and most essentially, we need to understand the futility and unworthiness of samsara.

我们真正要做的是实现自身价值,治愈自己的伤口,杜绝妄自菲薄,这样这些伤口再也不会淌血了。Our true work, then, is to build our self-worth, to heal our wounds and our false images of unworthiness so that they no longer bleed.

数世纪以来,金星人藉由注意和负责他人的需要来补偿自己无价值的恐惧。For centuries the Venusians compensated for this fundamental fear of unworthiness by being attentive and responsive to the needs of others.

事实上,以色列人种种失败的例子更足以说明上帝对他们的大爱、怜悯和信实。In fact, the repeated examples of their unworthiness served to show all the more the great love, mercy, and faithfulness of God toward them.

她那惊人的天真无邪令他惶恐,把他热情的话语都冻结在嘴唇上,使他不能不相信自己配不上她。Her prodigious innocence appalled him, freezing on his lips all ardors of speech, and convincing him, in spite of himself, of his own unworthiness.

不过,当时的以色列人也为他们的小命担忧,因为与上帝的圣洁如此接近,使他们益发感到自己的罪污和不配。However, they feared for their lives, for in experiencing the holiness of God so closely, they felt all the more their own sinfulness and unworthiness.