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他曾是瑞典乌普萨拉大学工商管理学博士。He has done Ph. D. in Business Management from Uppsala University, Sweden.

位于乌普萨拉的农业科学大学将负责这次的计画。The Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala is in charge of the project.

但是,该研究没有使瑞典乌普萨拉大学的风湿病学家拉斯·荣布勒姆信服。But the work doesn't convince rheumatologist Lars R?nnblom of Uppsala University in Sweden.

会议期间提交了秘书处代表和工作小组访问乌普萨拉监测中心的报告。A report on a visit to Uppsala by representatives of the secretariat and subgroup was presented.

在大学本科时代,汉斯.罗林斯在瑞典的乌普萨拉大学主修统计学和药学专业。As an undergraduate, Hans Rosling studied statistics and medicine at Uppsala University, Sweden.

作为一个青年,斯特林8月举行了各种零工,简要地出席了乌普萨拉大学。As a youth, August Strindberg held a variety of odd jobs, briefly attended the University of Uppsala.

因此,浮雷堡比斯德哥尔摩和乌普萨拉需要更多的术前抗体吸附。More preoperative antibody adsorptions were therefore needed in Freiburg than in Stockholm and Uppsala.

在19世纪50年代的头几年,阿姆斯特朗,那时还在瑞典的乌普萨拉大学里,做了一个有关氢原子的实验。In the early 1850s, Angstrom, up at the University of Uppsala in Sweden was conducting experiments on atomic hydrogen.

导演跟踪拍摄瑞典前国防部长,现乌普萨拉省省长安德斯。比约克先生,历时一年之久。Over a year, we follow the former Swedish Minister of Defense, Anders Björck, in his work as governor of Uppsala County.

瑞典阿普萨拉大学的遗传学家詹尼佛.刘纳德没有参与这项研究,她认为这些发现是确实可信的。Jennifer Leonard, a geneticist at the University of Uppsala in Sweden who was not involved in the project, thinks the findings are solid.

位于乌普萨拉的瑞典大学农学院动物环境和卫生系的研究人员进行了此项研究。The study was conducted by researchers in the Department of Animal Environment and Health at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala.

这项研究由环境心理学专家蒂娜博士及其在挪威大学生命科学学院和瑞典乌普萨拉大学的团队负责。The study was led by environmental psychology expert Dr Tina Bringslimark and her team at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and Uppsala University, Sweden.

这项研究由瑞典卡罗琳斯卡研究所和乌普萨拉大学及美国密歇根韦恩州立大学的科研人员开展,被认为是迄今为止这一领域最全面的一项研究。The study, by scientists from the Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University in Sweden and from Wayne State University in Michigan, is thought to be the most comprehensive of its kind.

这项研究由瑞典卡罗琳斯卡研究所和乌普萨拉大学及美国密歇根韦恩州立大学的科研人员开展,被认为是迄今为止这一领域最全面的一项研究。The study, by scientists from the Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University in Sweden and from Wayne State University in Michigan, is thought to be the most comprehensive of its kind.

在瑞典乌普萨拉大学的实验室里,两种青蛙被放置在了雌性激素含量与在欧洲、美国和加拿大水域里所监测到的相同的环境中。In a laboratory at Uppsala University in Sweden, two species of frogs were exposed to levels of estrogen similar to those detected in natural bodies of water in Europe, the United States and Canada.

三天之后,由瑞典乌普萨拉大学的研究者发表的一篇文章显示IEA的预测肯定是错误的,因为它假设的开采率看起来无法实现。Three days later, a paper published by researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden showed that the IEA's forecasts must be wrong, because it assumes a rate of extraction that appears to be impossible.