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唯一的反对观点是正常运行时间。The only argument against it is uptime.

经过验证的产品部件保证了机器最大的开机率。A high uptime is achieved through the use of proven components.

可用性是以正常运行时间除以总时间的百分比来测量的。Availability is measured in percent uptime divided by the total time.

您需要考虑三件事情来改善服务运行时间的可用性。You need to consider three things to improve service uptime availability.

一些客户需要能够实现最大正常运行时间和稳定性的环境。Some clients need an environment that requires maximum uptime and stability.

这些平台的正常运行时间一般都是以月和年来度量的。These platforms measure availability in months-to-years of scheduled uptime.

所有器件操作传感器反馈,无故障操作,最大正常运行时间。Sensor feedback of all device handling for trouble-free operation and maximum uptime.

可以评估正常运行时间来确保设备不会遇到意外重启。You can evaluate uptime to ensure that the device has not experienced an unexpected restart.

好的虚拟主机服务提供商要有高度的正常运行时间,以避免将来不能访问。A good service provider can guarantee high uptime level to avoid any malfunctions in the future.

查检一下开机时长,你通常会发现已经有几个月或者几年没有启动了。Check the uptime and you will generally find the machine has not been rebooted for months or years.

就像使用固态硬盘,需要移动的部分减少了,结果运行时间和可靠性都得到了改善。As with solid-state drives, the number of moving parts is reduced, resulting in greater uptime and reliability.

预校准和聚焦的氘灯和钨灯为工作光源,可以快速更换,具有最大的正常工作时间。DEUTERIUM AND TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LIGHT SOURCES Prealigned and prefocused for quick replacement and maximum uptime.

桌面或便携系统可能连续运行几周甚至几个月,而服务器可能连续运行一年甚至更长时间。A desktop or portable system can be left on for weeks, even months, and server uptime can stretch to a year or more.

幸运的是,有一些规则能够解决这些问题,甚至改善您在物理数据中心的运行时间!Fortunately, a bit of discipline can work around these problems and even improve your uptime in the physical data center!

获取信息将可以优化能源供应,增加正常运行时间,增加输配电企业的收入和利润。The access to information will increase T&D revenue and profitability by optimizing energy delivery and increasing uptime.

Linux操作系统提供了较高的安全性、可靠性同时保证象UNIX等操作系统能提供的正常运行时间。The Linux operating system offers superior security, reliability, and uptime on par with other UNIX-like operating systems.

天的运行时间没有什么特殊的,不过这证明了这台机器没有出现任何随机崩溃或其他故障。The 65-day uptime is nothing particularly exceptional, but it does testify that the machine isn't crashing at random or anything.

当正常运行时间可用性将要低于承诺的时间,那么必须要将中断阈值作为性能指标包含进来。It is important to include the thresholds as a performance indicator when the uptime availability will be less than the guaranteed time.

负责所有模具事项以确保模具寿命,废品率,机加能力以及机床利用率方面的持续改进。Overall responsible to all Tooling matters to ensure continuous improvement in tool life, scrap, machine capability and good piece uptime.

我们将着眼于您如何找到包含这些漏洞的代码行,并且消除漏洞,以便维持长久的正常运行时间。We'll look at how you can find the lines of code containing these vulnerabilities and eliminate them so the uptime availability stays high.