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执达吏把他独自留下。The usher had left him alone.

引导员领着我们找到了座位。The usher took us to our seats.

厄舍古屋为什么倒塌?。Why Did the House of Usher Fall?

这名招待员坚持给我们领位。The usher insisted on reseating us.

引座员恭敬地把我们迎入戏院。The usher bowed us into the theatre.

引座员恭敬地引宾客入内。The guests were bowed in by the usher.

他跟着领座员沿着通道走昔时。He followed the usher down the church aisle.

最黑暗的时刻过后,可能就会迎来灿烂的旭日。The darkest hour might usher in the sunburst.

钱可通神,一点也不假。所有的好座位都留给了大人物。The usher asked him if he had reserved a seat.

招待员站在门口发表节目表。An usher stood at the door giving out programs.

招待员站在门口分发节目单。The usher stood at the door giving out programs.

在我眼前,兀然立着鄂榭府。There, in front of me, stood the House of Usher.

我曾在一家寄宿学校当过助教。I have been an usher at a boarding-school myself.

戏院里的引导员帮助我们找到位子。The usher of the theater helped us find our seats.

在这秋高气爽的季节,我们迎来了第四届英语艺术节。In autumn prime, we usher the 4th English Festival.

施肥的园丁终将迎来争奇斗妍的春天。Fertilizing the gardener will usher in bright spring.

因特网是否能引发新一轮的经济剧增呢?Will the Internet usher in a new economic growth explosion?

执达吏接了那张纸,瞟了一眼,便遵命照办了。The usher took the paper, cast a glance upon it, and obeyed.

2005年的新年钟声即将鸣响。The New Year's bell will soon toll to usher in the year 2005.

银姐被帅哥招待员扶到后台。Silver Sister was helped by some eye-candy usher to backstage.