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幽灵潜艇究竟从何而来?Where dose the uso come from?

我们觉得我们就是美国顾问协会旅行团的两位表演者。I picture us like two performers on a USO Tour.

也有人认为,这些幽灵潜艇其实是来自外太空。Someone thought the USO may come from the outer space.

我们还去美国劳军联合组织所在的地方表演吉特巴舞。Then we learned to jitterbug at the USO place downtown.

色彩的使用是在自然环境下的颜色也非常有限。El uso del color es una necesidad en un entorno natural donde los colores escasean.

为了研究和借鉴幽灵潜艇的先进之处,美国和前苏联先后展开了一场对幽灵潜艇的追踪搜寻。In older to get more acknowledge of USO, America and Russian began a searching for USO.

这受人敬佩的喜剧演员是好莱坞战争时期最活跃的美国劳军联合组织的演艺人员之一。The much-admired comedian was one of Hollywood's most active war-time USO entertainers.

仔细审核出货订单汇总如有任何错误和美国联系解决。Scrutinizing shipping window summary and coordinating with USO for any mistake occurred.

对比较竞争下普遍服务进行模型分析是本论文的重点。Applying adverse selection model to analyze USO under comparative competition is the focus of this paper.

去年的夏天,他们接到一通电话“你们有艺人有兴趣到古巴做一场劳军表演嘛?”Last summer, they got a phone call asking, "Do you have any clients interested in doing a USO show in Cuba?"

红女巫对美国队长施展回放时,我们可以看到担任USO舞厅乐队弹奏的是罗伯·托马斯。When Scarlet Witch gives Captain America his flashback vision, the band in the USO dance hall is the Rob Thomas Players.

简单介绍我国重力场测量卫星的高精度K波段星间测距系统的概念和其关键部分超稳定晶体振荡器的概念。The concept of KBR System main structure used in the gravity field measurement in China and The key technologies of USO is introduced.

美国海军曾多次动用太平洋舰队几乎全部的潜艇、猎潜艇和其它战舰,还有飞机,在南太平洋海域四次大规模地开展搜寻“幽灵潜艇”的行动。America army had almost used all the submarines . sub-hunters and other cruisers plus airplanes to search the Pasific area for USO four times.

我一想起战时或战后担任劳军团任务在飞行时所遭受的惊险,我就有命是捡来的一种不安的感觉。Sometimes I get an uneasy feeling I'm living on borrowed time when I recall some of the close calls I've had flying on USO tours during and after the wars.

这受人敬佩的喜剧演员是好莱坞战争时期最活跃的美国劳军联合组织的演艺人员之一。Brown "mugs" for the camera during a USO entertainment tour of American airfields in China. The much-admired comedian was one of Hollywood's most active war-time USO entertainers.

被一组中国空中特遣部队地面机组人员包围着,电影和无线电喜剧演员,乔·E。布朗,在美国劳军联合组织来中国的美国机场的慰问演出中的合影。Surrounded by an appreciative group of CATF ground crewmen, motion picture and radio comedian, Joe E. Brown "mugs" for the camera during a USO entertainment tour of American airfields in China.