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在韦达社会里这是女人的职责。In the Vedic society it was the woman's duty.

吠陀历法是建立在宇宙周期,或者说是年代之上。The Vedic calendar is based on cosmic cycles, or Yugas.

吠陀诗歌谈到了“咕噜咕噜叫”是由石头和金属制成。The Vedic hymns speak of "purs" made of stone and metal.

事实上,吠陀的雅利安语是用作神化太阳,星辰和慧星。C. Vedic Aryans in fact deified the Sun, Stars and Comets.

瑜伽源于吠陀文化,是印度教的前生。Yoga originated from the Vedic culture, which is pre-Hindu.

甚至更早时,吠陀古经文献中就有同类故事。Even earlier, the same types of stories were present in Vedic literature.

书写的艺术从遥远的年代起就被古代的吠陀人们所知晓。The art of writing was known by ancient Vedic peoples since remote times.

吠陀意味着理解,那么进行灵性练习的地方则是一种吠陀文化。When veda means knowing, then everywhere spirituality is practiced is a vedic culture.

加达的儿子却不像父亲,他很虔诚而且精通韦达经典。Jada's son , in spite of his father, was religious and learned in the Vedic scriptures.

梵语古典文学是在吠陀和史诗的基础上发展起来的。The classic Sanskrit literature flourished on the basis of the Vedic and Epic literature.

在韦达文化里,无论何时有聚会,女人们都会聚在一起。In the Vedic culture, whenever there was some gathering, all the women would get together.

印度历史大约在公元前1,500年到公元前1,000年左右就叫做吠陀时期,是因吠陀而命名。The period in Indian history from roughly 1,500 BC to 1,000 BC is called the Vedic Period. It is named after the Vedas.

尽管女神通常在地方和通俗的祭礼上受到崇拜,她们在吠陀宗教里面却扮演着相对次要的角色。Although goddesses had always been worshiped in local and popular cults, they play comparatively minor roles in Vedic religion.

庵是一个非常神圣的单音节梵文吟唱,总是在开始和结束所有传统吠陀吟唱诵经。Om is a very sacred monosyllabic Sanskrit chant, always chanted at the beginning and the end of all traditional Vedic chanting.

印度戏剧,更准确来说,是民间戏剧可以追溯到吠陀——雅利安时代的宗教仪式。The origin of the Indian theatre or rather folk theatre and dramatics can be traced to religious ritualism of the Vedic Aryans.

吠陀的天堂,“父亲们的世界”,类似于德国的瓦尔哈拉殿堂,看上去也是印欧人的遗产。The Vedic heaven, the "world of the fathers, " resembled the Germanic Valhalla and seems also to be an Indo- European inheritance.

吠陀文献里的这种计算方式的存在引领出借贷这种观点,也是计算的一种简要模式。Credence is lent to this view by the existence of mathematics in the Vedic literature which was also shorthand method of computation.

印度河流域文明是使用土葬,而吠陀时期是使用火葬,暗示了随着时间的过去,受到了外来文明的影响。The IVC people buried the dead, whereas the dead were cremated in the Vedic time, suggesting influence of external cultures over time.

韦达曼陀罗阐述到,无所不能的绝对真理具有一个灵性的形体。The Vedic mantras explain that the all-powerful Absolute Truth possesses a spiritual form, and although He remains in the spiritual sky.

在每个创世周期的开始之际,神自己“记起”吠陀梵语词语的顺序,通过圣哲去传播它们。At the beginning of every cycle of creation, God himself "remembers" the order of the Vedic words and propagates them through the rishis.