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昏星就是金星The Evening Star is Venus.

晨星也是金星The Morning Star is Venus.

应该说,金星,它只是一个东西It's just one thing, Venus.

天秤座的守护星是金星。The sign is ruled by Venus.

这是这是捕蝇草。This is the Venus Fly Trap.

就如我们常用的说法,火星和金星,粉女和蓝男,除了生殖能力,男人和女人甚少有共同点。Mars and Venus. Pink and blue.

当然了,范冰冰是我的女神啊。Of course. Fan Bingbing is my Venus.

它们就是一个东西,即金星They're just one thing, namely Venus.

想像你是半遮半掩的维纳斯。You're Venus in the half shell, right?

但是好在金星本身是颗福星,也就还没那么坏。But Venus is a benefic- it isn't so bad.

木星与金星位于第6宫和第8宫。Jupiter and Venus are in the 6th and 8th.

补蝇草是肉食性植物。The Venus Flytrap is a carnivorous plant.

你看,当她们属意于维纳斯的时候。Thy looks when they to Venus did ascribe.

如果我们的太阳系里真有地狱的话,那一定是金星。If our solar system has a Hell. it's Venus.

维纳斯因为断臂才美到极点。Venus is best beauty because the arm break.

火星负责付出而金星负责接受,一阴一阳。Mars gives and Venus receives. Yin and Yang.

生命线,爱情线,金星和火星的山丘。The love line. The mounds of Venus and Mars.

离开克瑞斯和巴克斯,维纳斯便心灰意冷。Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus grows cold.

大威则陷入了麻烦。And Venus Williams looks in a lot of trouble.

从维纳斯的诞生画详细分析布格罗。Detail from The Birth of Venus by Bouguereau.