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为什么说中提琴手像恐怖分子?Why is a violist like a terrorist?

有个中提琴手死了咋办?What do you do with a dead violist?

怎样防止中提琴手溺水?How do you keep a violist from drowning?

中提琴手的脑细胞怎么死的?How do you call a violist with two brain cells?

你听说过不跑调的中提琴手么?Did you hear about the violist who played in tune?

为什么中提琴手演奏时背后不能放把刀?Why can't a violist play with a knife in his back?

女裁缝和中提琴手有什么区别呢?What's the difference between a seamstress and a violist?

现在到雅各布·亚当斯,他是来自纽海文的职业中提琴手Now Jacob Adams is a professional violist here in New Haven.

怎样让一个中提琴手演奏极弱震音呢?How do you get a violist to play a passage pianissimo tremolando?

你听说有个中提琴手号称能拉32分音符吗?Did you hear about the violist who bragged that he could play 32nd notes?

一个指挥家和一个中提琴手站在路当中,你先碾哪个?为什么?A conductor and a violist are standing in the middle of the road, which one do you run over first, and why?

即便如此,仍然有些人,包括些许音乐家,甚至中提琴乐手本身,都以创笑话来挖苦中提琴在管弦乐团里的身份。Even so, some people, including some musicians and violist themselves, have made a dig at it by creating jokes.