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这是一个炫技独家。This is a Virtuoso exclusive.

对曼联来说,这是一次如艺术家般的表现。For United, it was a virtuoso performance.

考虑弗莱舍案件钢琴演奏家莱昂。Consider the case of piano virtuoso Leon Fleisher.

作为一位技艺非凡的大师,他声誉日隆。He was gaining a reputation as a remarkable virtuoso.

他成为其中最知名的大提琴演奏家,他的时间。He became one of the best known virtuoso cellists of his time.

阿伦是不知疲倦的神射手,皮尔斯是侧翼艺术大师,加内特是防守之王。Allen is the tireless sharpshooter. Pierce is the elbow virtuoso.

这位26岁的音乐家,因为丰富的肢体语言与面部表情而声名在外。The 26-year-old virtuoso has an undeserved reputation for mugging.

他的父亲是宫廷乐队中一个技巧精湛的圆号演奏家。His father was a virtuoso horn player who belonged to the court orchestra.

希罗夫既是浪漫派的代表又是一个精于残局的大师。Shirov is both a representative of romantic chess and an endgame virtuoso.

英格兰队的球迷期待着该队与喀麦隆队能够上演一场精彩对决。England's football fans were hoping for a virtuoso performance against Cameroon.

他是一个两班卓琴和吉他演奏家,并在曼陀林有琵琶记录。He was a virtuoso on both banjo and guitar, and also recorded on mandolin and lute.

宫廷的职务叫他厌烦,帕格尼尼终于重操他的巡回演奏的旧业。Conrt duties bored him , and in time Paganini resumed his career as a touring virtuoso.

紫柏大师是佛教界著名的四大高僧之一。Virtuoso Chai Bo was one of the four famous hierarches of Buddhism in late Ming Dynasty.

艺术品鉴赏家必须首先成为一名出色的技术师,具备基本的实践习惯。A virtuoso must first be an excellent technician who has made the basic practices habitual.

比思音乐家也由此以其音乐鉴赏的水准和花样高超的演奏技巧而闻名。As such, Bith musicians are noted for their virtuoso skills and complex musical arrangements.

在新奥尔良一位名为路易•阿姆斯特朗的年轻小号手被金•奥列佛发现。A young virtuoso cornet player named Louis Armstrong was discovered in New Orleans by King Oliver.

1952年出生于埃及开罗,精湛的乌德琴演奏家、作曲家、歌手。Hussein el-Masry was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1952 and is a virtuoso oud player, composer and singer.

莫言颇有技巧的写作激起了关于当代中国社会和政治的激烈论战。Mr Mo's virtuoso prose whips up a frenzied polemic against contemporary Chinese society and politics.

她的充满活力风格和精湛技术使得她在国际民乐大放异彩。Her energetic style and virtuoso talent has brought her star billing on the international folk circuit.

罗森宝恩忽然冲入一个装饰曲,一连串高超的音符发出乐章结束的信号。The pianist launched into a cadenza, a virtuoso cascade of notes that signaled the end of the movement.