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有内脏与腔壁的腹膜。There are visceral and parietal peritoneal.

宰杀,脱毛,挖掉内脏。Slaughter, hair removal, dig out the visceral.

凡是外国的东西,她都打心眼儿里讨厌。She had a visceral dislike of all things foreign.

瑞典残酷死亡金属乐队内脏出血。Swedish brutal death metal band Visceral Bleeding.

然而,表格缺乏给人发至内心的冲击力。However, tables can lack impact on a visceral level.

他们盛情邀我加入本能现实主义派。I've been cordially invited to join the visceral realists.

如果不及时治疗,内脏利什曼病通常是致命的。If left untreated, visceral leishmaniasis is usually fatal.

让他认识到了。In this case it's a much more visceral kind of development.

我知道自己对那则广告的最初反应完全是本能的。I know that my initial reaction to that ad was pretty visceral.

丹尼·博伊尔的电影制作手法让你置身于大街上。Danny Boyle’s visceral film-making drops you right into the streets.

内在化是一种多功能的介于发自肺腑的和视觉化之间的感觉。Visceralization is a portmanteau between visceral and visualization.

小脑和PAG均与许多内脏的功能活动有关。Functionally, both cerebellum and PAG are related to visceral activities.

肠道荧光标记菌大量移位于肠外器官。Fluorescence labelled E coli in gut translocated to other visceral organs.

这里我们也可以看见,非语言的内在流动是如何作为指示物被使用的。Here, too, we see how this unverbalized visceral flow is used as a referent.

对伴内脏转移患者,首选TP-来曲唑序贯方案。TP-letrozole regimen maybe the first choice for visceral metastasis patient.

因此,那种欲望肯能会因嫌恶的内在因素而减弱,像痛苦。And so that desire might be weakened by aversive visceral factors, like pain.

我又去了一趟布卡雷利大街上的那家酒吧,可是本能现实主义者们始终没有露面。I went back to the bar on Bucareli, but the visceral realists never showed up.

对银行家的厌恶此时是发自肺腑的,而且我也理解这一点。The dislike of bankers is really visceral at the moment, and I understand that.

它在单纯的直接的快乐经历和我们之间竖起屏障。It erects a barrier that severs the pleasure and immediacy of visceral experience.

本文就内脏利什曼病药物治疗研究进展作扼要综述。This article reviews the development on drug treatment for Visceral leishmaniasis.