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弗拉德的吸血鬼是暗杀。Vlad the Impaler is assassinated.

我们可以按照通常的方式安装VladVlad can be installed with the usual

我只是觉得说坏蛋弗拉德的话保险一点。I think it's safe to say it's the bad Vlad.

我叫Vlad,今年29岁,与母亲生活在一起。My name is Vlad. I’m 29 years old, and I live with my mother.

您很快就会接到一个来电从弗拉德谁的了适合您的工作。You'll soon receive a call from Vlad who's got a job for you.

他仍然最好的由弗拉德名称刺穿集体想象力闻名。He remains best known for the collective imagination by the name of Vlad the Impaler.

拉德曼,可能是现在的替补大前锋,对抗身体强壮的球员显得很薄弱。Vlad Radmanovic, probably the current backup Power Forward, is not a good fit against physical players.

这些著作的权力斗争或多或少诽谤迎来了历史弗拉德三世巴萨拉布的时间,我们仍然有。Power struggles of the time we still have these writings more or less defamatory ushered Vlad III Basarab in history.

InfoQ有机会采访了Vlad以发掘Erlide的历史、它当前的状态以及将来的计划。InfoQ had the chance to interview Vlad to find out the history of Erlide, it's current status and what the plans are for it in the future.

在很快将要发布的1.1版本中,用户可以略过缺省的Vlad建议,而是将其用作通用的系统管理工具。In the rapidly-approaching 1.1 you'll be able to skip including the default vlad recipes and use it as a general system administration tool.

在一个科学家的帮助下,他们造出了一个新的达可拉,拥有以前一样的智慧和力量,然而身体却是一个叫瓦尔得的年轻人的。With the help of a scientist, they create a new Dracula Who has the same knowledge and power as Count Dracula but whose body is that of a young man called Vlad.

家族史学专家称,帕丁森与弗拉德间的亲戚关系可能是通过当今英国王室建立起来的。Family history experts said Pattinson and Vlad -- the Transylvania-born despot also known as Vlad the Impaler -- are likely related through today's British royal family.

同时,全新的行政楼将为北京希尔顿酒店未来的发展提供更加优越的前景。Vlad Reyes, Hilton Beijing was pleased to be opening the Executive Tower prior to the Beijing Olympics, and the new development would serve the hotel well into the future.

在新出版的研究中,Vlad和同事研究了超过4.9万患阿尔茨海默氏症的美国退伍军人和近197000例年龄配伍的无此疾患的退伍军人的处方纪录。In the newly published study, Vlad and colleagues examined the prescription records of more than 49,000 U. S. veterans with Alzheimer's and almost 197,000 age-matched veterans without the disease.