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军阀与鸦片结下了不解之缘。Warlord and opium forge the indissoluble bound.

的名字,Polemarchus,其实意指,“军阀Polemarchus " whose name actually means "warlord."

的名字,Polemarchus,其实意指,“军阀“Polemarchus " whose name actually means "warlord."

那个军阀把他的小妾当作美丽的玩物。The warlord treated his concubines as gracefulplaythings.

他的部下也不象许多军阀的军队那样大吃大喝。His followers did not carouse, like the troops of many warlord armies.

但他最终还是被日益强大的军阀津奇处决了。Screed was ultimately killed by Warlord Zsinj during his rise to power.

就像东方国家一样,有一个热爱战争的强权统治者So like the eastern states, you have a powerful ruler who is a warlord.

在掌控奉系军阀统治权后,他也开始践行这一思想。He also began to carry it out as soon as he took charge of FengXi warlord.

这名前军阀主进了卡拉巴尔南部城市,一栋别人送的公寓里。The former warlord has been given a mansion in the southern city of Calabar.

北京达园是民国初年军阀王怀庆所筑的私家花园。Dayuan in Beijing was a private garden created by a warlord during 1919-1922.

在广东,陆氏重要盟友之一,是当地的军阀岑春煊。One of Lu's important allies in Guangdong was the local warlord Cen Chunxuan.

一名叫奥锡卡·科斯克的军阀在文崔斯幼年谋害了她的双亲。A warlord named Osika Kirske murdered Asajj's parents when she was very young.

想想这层意涵,军阀最关心的问题是荣誉与忠诚。Think of that. The warlord is preoccupied with questions of honor and loyalty.

清朝被推翻后,山西被军阀阎锡山占领。After the overthrow of the Qing dynasty, Shanxi was held by warlord Yan Xishan.

1928年,一个军阀火烧了少林寺,从此它的光辉岁月一去不返。By 1928, when a warlord set fire to the complex, its glory days were long gone.

曾经是位强大恶魔督军的手掌,后来被阿兹截下以惩罚他的失败。The hand of a mighty demon warlord which was mutilated by Az to punish his loss.

军阀军队中的士兵因饥寒而酝酿着很大的不安。Hunger and cold are creating great unrest among the soldiers of the warlord armies.

这位副指挥官随即加入了深处于深核区域的“最强军阀”哈斯克的舰队。The second thereupon joined "Supreme Warlord" Harrsk's fleet deep in the Deep Core.

军阀集团严重削弱了政府的行政能力。The administrative ability of the government had been weakened by the warlord blocs.

君约父亲许崇明是一名军阀师长,魏俊是他的旧下属。Jun about father Xu Chongming is a warlord teachers, Wei Jun is his old subordinates.