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优良的抗水冲刷。Excellent resistance to water washout.

她很难过地意识到自己是滑冰生涯的失败者。She was very upset to realize that her skating career was a washout.

极防水,可承受水冲洗和喷雾关闭。Extremely water-resistant and withstands water washout and spray-off.

科学家们声称,他们很快就能创建冲蚀条件。Scientists claim that they will soon be able to create the washout conditions.

经过7天的清除期,患者再交换服用治疗药物6周。After a washout period of 7 days, patients switched treatments for another 6 weeks.

而在冲击板出口测,除撞击磨损外,还存在冲刷磨损。Yet at the outlet spot of the impact plate there is washout wear in addition to impact wear.

伊拉克是一场灾难,增兵是失败的,而且布什在那儿重建国家的努力完全是竹篮打水一场空。Iraq is a disaster, the surge a failure, and Bush’s exercise in nation building a total washout.

轧辊轴承是在重载荷、高转速、工作环境很恶劣的情况下工作的。Steel roller bearing is working in the harsh condition of heavy load, high speed and water washout , etc.

所以,风险投资商的最佳准则是,当第一次创业大获成功,第二次全军覆没时,力挺第三次创业。So, the best VC formula is to back the third venture, when the first was good and the second was a washout.

被雨水冲刷的建筑材料或挖出物料,应经沉积物捕集装置导引至排水系统。Any washout of construction or excavated materials should be diverted to the drainage system via sediment traps.

介绍了六自由度运动平台的洗出滤波算法及其在飞行器地面滑跑阶段的实现。The paper presents the washout filter algorithm of the6DOF flight simulation and the realization of the roll-down.

文章总结了生物防治桥梁水毁的经验措施及综合治理办法。This article summarizes the experience and comprehensive biological measures for preventing the washout of bridge.

提出地下储气库注采井防冲蚀方法,并推导出防冲蚀所需油管最小直径的计算公式。The way to prevent the washout was raised, and the formula to calculate the minimum tubing size necessary was derived.

提出了用“煤层一顶板相关原理”研究预测煤层冲刷带的方法。The method of coal bed-roof interrelated theory has been first used to study and predict coal bed washout in this paper.

纽约州官方称在宾汉顿北部的主要公路上两人在洪水冲溃处死亡。And New York State Authorities are now saying two people were killed in a washout on a major highway north of Binghamton.

在接受给药研究前,运用过类固醇患者需在前个月经过7至14日的药物清除期。Patients who had used steroids inthepreceding month had a washout period of 7 to 14 daysbeforereceivingthestudy medication.

这些数据也强调了这甚至是比血管过度形成消蚀和T2期高信号还要早的特征。The data also highlights this is one of the earliest features seen even before hypervascularity, washout and high signaling with T2.

研制了一种应用于水力机械元件和设备的抗冲蚀磨损的胶粘耐磨涂层。An adhesive abrasion resistant coatings with good washout resistance for hydraulic mechanical elements and equipment has been developed.

针对干线公路水毁情况分析其原因,提出预防和治理的措施,以降低和减少水毁的损失。For the situation of washout by flood of trunk highway , the paper analyzed its cause, proposed the treatment measures to reduce the loss.

在这篇文章中,我们提出并分析了一个具有捕食者,食饵和既有周期脉冲输入又有周期脉冲输出营养液的恒化器模型。In this paper, we present and analyze a simple model for a chemostat with predator, prey and periodically pulsed input and washout substrate.