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请在人生的路程中暂停一下,旅人。Pause for a moment, Wayfarer , on life's journey.

医生们起先嘲笑这个来历不明的旅行者。The physicians at first laughed at the unknown wayfarer.

她望着过路客人,看见了他正在细看的东西。She saw the wayfarer , and perceived what he was looking at.

口渴的徒步旅行者很高兴在路边找到新鲜的泉水。The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road.

口干舌燥的旅行者在路边发现清澈的泉水后,格外开心。The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road.

碰巧游历僧人的对手只有一只眼睛。By chance attendant who was to combat with wayfarer had only one eye.

要碰见一个比他更褴褛的过路人是很不容易的了。It was difficult to encounter a wayfarer of more wretched appearance.

该旅行者珍稀版画是一个必须有任何收藏家或爱好者。The Wayfarer Rare Prints is a must have for any collector or enthusiast.

漫不经心穿过的声音传到了动物的耳里。The sound of the careless passage of the jungle wayfarer come to the ear of the animal.

丛林里旅人漫不经心穿过的声音传到了动物的耳里。The sound of the careless passage of the jungle wayfarer come to the ear of the animal.

最近除了旅行者?是罕见的限量版版画新介绍。The latest addition to the Wayfarer? is the new introduction of the limited edition Rare Prints.

历史,随着新鲜多彩的更新使旅行者?的青年的象征,时尚性和创造性超过50年。History, along with fresh colorful updates have made the Wayfarer? a symbol of youth, fashion and creativity for over 50 years.

母亲抬起头,道了谢,又请这位路的女客坐在门边条凳上,她自己仍蹲在门槛上。The mother raised her head and thanked her, and bade the wayfarer SIT down on the bench at the door, she herself being seated on the threshold.

过客弯下腰去细察门左石脚上的一个圆涡,圆涡颇大,好象是个圆球体的模子。The wayfarer bent over and examined a rather large circular excavation, resembling the hollow of a sphere, in the stone on the left, at the foot of the pier of the door.

旅客抽完了那锅烟,把烟斗揣在怀里,脱掉大木鞋,躺倒在石头堆上,立即睡着了。The wayfarer smoked his pipe out , put it in his breast, slipped off his great wooden shoes, and lay down on his back on the heap of stones. He was fast asleep directly.

在1952年后最初的设计,旅行者?快速爱戴自己好莱坞电影制片人,名人,音乐家和艺术家,巩固多年来的标志性地位来。After its initial design in 1952, the Wayfarer? quickly endeared itself to Hollywood filmmakers, celebrities, musicians and artists, solidifying its iconic status for years to come.