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没有结婚戒指?No wedding ring?

这缏媞莪们婚礼。This is our wedding.

你的婚礼定在什么时候?When is your wedding?

婚礼上的来宾。Guests at the wedding.

那么婚礼订在哪天举行?So when's the wedding?

你许我一场婚礼。You make me a wedding.

今晚是我们的新婚之夜啊!It's our wedding night.

这是你的新婚夜!It's your wedding night!

没有婚戒。There was no wedding ring.

他吃喜酒去了。He went to a wedding feast.

我也参加了他们的结婚大典。I was at their wedding too.

他们采用西式的婚礼。They had a western wedding.

您的婚礼是什么状况?What was your wedding like?

德凡正在筹划一场婚礼。Devan is planning a wedding.

我爸爸拥有一间婚纱摄影室。My dad has a wedding studio.

力欧戴着这个结婚戒指。He is wearing a wedding ring.

我不打算去参加婚礼了。I'm not going to the wedding.

她滔滔不绝地谈着她的婚礼。She slopped over her wedding.

他们正在进行新婚旅行。They are on the wedding tour.

我约请你到场我的结婚仪式。You are invited to my wedding.