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中期设计是整个工程中用时最长、工程量最大的部分。The middle design part is the longest and the weightily part in this project.

叙说屈辱,不只是对人性进行修复,更重要的是对英雄的渴望与寻觅。Weightily , it pockets author's desire of looking for hero and stubborn adoration of force.

色度学特征在彩色图像识别系统中有着重要而广泛的应用。Chromatic features have been weightily and widely applied to the recognition systems of color images.

履带起重机是工程起重机行业的一个重要门类,是现代工程建设施工中不可缺少的大型设备之一。Crawler crane is one of the necessary equipments and weightily type in project construction at hoist industry.

本文首先介绍了网络管理的基本功能以及相关的网络管理技术,重点分析了SNMP。SNMP is analyzed weightily and its working mechanism is studied deeply. Secondly, on the basis of the theory of SNMP.

另外,论文还对现场实时数据接收系统中的低功耗元件做了重点介绍。In addition, the thesis has introduce some low power element weightily in the local data receiving system in real time.

从这里望下看,映入观众眼中的是正在往下坠的花束,它沉重地下降,愈来愈深,最后掉在平滑的树脂面上。Here the viewer looks down on an image of a flower bouquet seemingly sinking weightily , deeper and deeper, into a smooth vinyl surface.

介绍数控系统的体系结构,包括其硬件体系结构与软件体系结构,并着重介绍加工程序解释器模块。The thesis introduced the software and hardware design proposal of CNC. The processing procedure parsers have been introduced weightily.

并着重讨论了决定电源性能的PWM稳压电路和电源滤波电路的设计。At the same time, the design of the PWM circuit and the power filter with which determining the power performance weightily was discussed.

在影响石化企业安全生产的诸多因素中,设备的安全运行对保证石化企业的安全生产起到重要作用。In many factors of affecting working safely in petrochemical corporation, the workingsafely of the equipments acts weightily to ensure the working safely in petrochemical.

拉格朗日元法是一种新的数值分析方法,特别适合于求解非线性的大变形问题,在岩土力学中有重要的应用。Lagrangian element method is a new numerical value analyze method, it is especially for solving the non-linear distortion problem. It is weightily applied in rock and soil.

太仓港地处江苏省苏南地区东南部、长江入海口南岸,是江苏省重点建设的第一外贸大港和上海国际航运中心北翼集装箱干线港。Taicang port is the first international trade of Jiangsu province that constructed weightily and the harbor of north wing container of international shipping centre of Shanghai.

反垄断法作为世界各国规范跨国并购活动的重要法律手段,对维护和促进竞争性市场结构的健康发展起着非常关键的作用。The Antimonopoly Law, the critical legal measure that regulates the Transnational M&A in many countries, acts weightily for maintaining and promoting the competitive market structure.

另一方面实行架构重组,整合公司的内部资源,并有针对地调整产品线,重点发展主流产品,最后是建立健全和完善的上游供应商体系的策略。On the other hand, Kodak should reunite the company interior resource and structure, adjust product to develop mainstream products weightily and establish frontal integrated suppliers system.

因此考虑上部结构,进一步认识上部结构与筏基及桩基和地基土非线性共同作用机制,优化设计桩筏基础,具有重要的现实意义。It is weightily significative to understand of mechanism of the interaction of piled raft foundation-soil in consideration of the superstructure, and to rationally design piled raft foundation.

江苏省皂河抽水站是我国最大的混流泵站,安全鉴定成果对其更新改造项目的内容和深度起着关键作用。Zaohe pumping station in Jiangsu province is the largest mixing flow pumping station. The working security checkup weightily affects the content and profoundity of the updating and rebuilding items.