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为什么我们无法感觉到那些量子理论的古怪呢?Why don’t we feel all the quantum weirdness?

日本最近有个例子能够证明中微子的怪异。The latest example of neutrinos’ weirdness comes from Japan.

难怪他们作怪不断,隔开了长辈。Is it any wonder they embrace a weirdness that baffles their elders?

此外,彭托莫晚期画作的古怪也正是这时期的精神产物。Moreover, the weirdness of Pontormo� last paintings was the product of this psyche.

我知道这有点怪,但幸运的是,还由于其怪诞忽略不计。I know it's a bit weird, but fortunately it is also ignorable because of its weirdness.

为什么我们无法脱离这种命运曲线去回归到到更文明的国度?Isn’t it possible we could just get off the weirdness curve and return to a more civilized state?

也有一些是熟悉的平庸的谜太多,以及在其波塞尔的怪事。There is something familiar in the banality of the riddle too, and in the weirdness of its poser.

众所周知,量子力学的理论,透露了世界运行之道的根本古怪之处。Notoriously, the theory of quantum mechanics reveals a fundamental weirdness in the way the world works.

真的,她的赞助人阿德莱德是个货真价实的明星,经常出现在下午的肥皂剧里面,但那只是一个普通的曼哈顿归来的传奇。True, her sponsor, Adelaide, was in fact a star, a regular on the afternoon soaps, but that was just normal Manhattan recovery weirdness.

他说,作为写实文学已经变得比小说类题材更让人陌生,它已经让一个讽刺作家难以在“人类命运曲线”前保持领先地位。He says that as nonfiction has gotten stranger than fiction, it’s become harder for a satirist to stay ahead of “the curve of human weirdness.

驾笼将原有的漫画形式打破,并置入大部分的怪诞、自我反思,以及迷幻试验的题材。Kago is taking the manga comic form and breaking it open into little chunks of weirdness , self-reflexivity, and super-trippy formal experiments.

奥斯汀是个新潮而又古怪的城市,而市民也以此标榜自己,但它同时也是美国最大公立大学之一的德克萨斯大学校园所在地。They pride themselves on their weirdness. But it’s also home of the University of Texas campus — one of the largest public institutions in the U.S.

“量子”作为那些不能为我们所理解的东西的象征,给我们带来了许多,我们常常把许多现象模糊的归为“量子怪事”。"Quantum" is thrown around a lot as a label for things we don't understand, and we often lump a number of phenomena into the vague category of "quantum weirdness".

这对科幻小说的挑战性更大,因为其书名应给读者想从故事中体验到的惊悚的感觉。And for a work of speculative fiction the challenge is even greater, as the title should give a taste of the wonder and weirdness the reader can expect from the story to come.

奥斯汀是个新潮而又古怪的城市,而市民也以此标榜自己,但它同时也是美国最大公立大学之一的德克萨斯大学校园所在地。Austin is a funky, weird town. They pride themselves on their weirdness. But it's also home of the University of Texas campus — one of the largest public institutions in the U.

针对这类怪事,1920年代物理学家的解释方法是,假定每当有人做了测量,波函数就会「塌缩」成某个确定的古典结果。In the 1920s physicists explained away this weirdness by postulating that the wave function "collapsed" into some definite classical outcome whenever someone made an observation.

伴随的这两种计划都会产生一些社会影响,小到古怪的声名,大到对你社交生活的改写,这都取决于过去。There can be social effects accompanying both schedules, that range from a mild reputation for weirdness to full-on rewrite of your social life, depending on what it was like before.

这种似曾相识的经历通常都伴有强烈的熟悉感,同时还会觉得“怪诞”、“陌生”、“异常”,或者像弗洛伊德所说的“诡异”。The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness", "strangeness", "weirdness", or what Sigmund Freud calls "the uncanny".

他复杂而精巧的舞步、充满诱惑力的嗓音影响了一代又一代的音乐家。迈克尔·杰克逊代表了流行乐的辉煌。While his elaborate, stop-on-a-dime dance moves and sensual soprano may have influenced generations of musicians, Michael Jackson stood for much more than the pop greatness — or tabloid weirdness.