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这题目关系到我们的福利。The subject touches our welfare.

他为人平易近谋幸福,呼儿咳哟。He works for the people's welfare.

是的,是有动物福利法。Yes, there areanimal welfare laws.

第一个话题是动物福利。The first issue was animal welfare.

其中一种叫中国福利彩票。One is called China Welfare Lottery.

文具及相关员工福利管理。Manage stationeries and staff welfare.

这将从福利费中支付。It will be paid out of the welfare fund.


主要地,这些人都不享有福利。These are not primarily people o n welfare.

我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。My principal concern is my family's welfare.

社会福利彩票是爱的奉献。Social welfare lottery is dedication to love.

但是,约翰坚决反对当前的福利制度。But John is firmly against our welfare system.

我所想的除了为了你的好,没有别的。What I think about is nothing bur your welfare.

什麽是向上社会福利基金会?What is Hsiang Shang Social Welfare Foundation?

能不能够控制福利成本?Whether welfare costs can be controlled or not?

威胁将对方的父母送去福利院?threatens to report the other parent to welfare

夜以继日我们都在关注你们的福利。Day and night we are watching over your welfare.

为中国、欧盟的繁荣富强和人民幸福To the prosperity and the welfare of our peoples

让人民的福祉成为最高律令。Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law.

政府兴办集体福利事业。The government initiates collective welfare work.