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他们住在好莱坞一所巨宅里。They live in a whacking great house in Hollywood.

换句话说,他从此与自己的兄弟姐妹们不再是一路人了。In other words, he can't go around whacking his brother and sisters.

而右手则不停地用伞来打我。With his right hand he unrelentingly kept whacking me with that umbrella.

我国学者的研究和这些结果惊人地相似。The research of our country scholar and these result whacking are similar.

她把巧克力桔子放在桌子上重击,分成了几片。She broke the chocolate orange into segments by whacking it against the table.

阿森纳球星埃布埃由于重击布里奇,已被判罚停赛三场。ARSENAL ace Emmanuel Eboue has been banned for three matches for whacking Wayne Bridge.

所有这些,都是因为几百万年以来,我们不停地拿两块石头互相敲打。And all it took to get it was a few million years of whacking two rocks against each other.

是的,这里就是卡腊腊,米开朗琪罗就是从卡腊腊找到大理石材塑造了大卫像。Yes, that Carrara – where Michelangelo came for his marble before whacking it into David shape.

领导席周围一直围满了人,大家都排着队去敬,真是佩服领导的记忆力和酒量。Well, leader's memory and capacity of liquor is so whacking. Then everyone became toast to each other.

结果我发现,就是这个我正在谈论的男人在打我,他现在还不停地用伞打我,动作机械、毫无表情。It was the very same man who now, as I'm writing, keeps whacking me, mechanically and impassively, with an umbrella.

最出奇的是我的朋友还用威廉森先生的雨伞把什么笔呀,固体胶啊,像打棒球一样打。Williamson's umbrella and started whacking pencil sharpeners and glue sticks across the room like the guy's playing baseball.

双手是运输病菌最方便的工具,但清洗双手就像用锤子砸他们的脑袋。The hands are the single easiest way to transport bugs, but washing your hands is like whacking them over the head with a hammer.

这就像肯德尔镇花了大把纳税人的钱,搞了一个巨大的薄荷蛋糕般镶嵌翡翠的雕像一样。It's like the town of Kendal putting up a whacking great emerald-encrusted sculpture of a lump of mint cake at tax-payers' expense.

她要我坐下,认真忏悔,并采用了她自己的惩罚方式—用我刚脱下的湿漉漉的鞋狠狠地打我。So she sat me down, forced out a confession, and the delivered her own penance. Whacking me with a damp shoe she’d just taken off my foot.

当时认为,如果谁整天有几个小时来消遣,他理应把这些时间用在训练箭术上,而不要用木槌对着木球敲敲打打。It was also considered that if someone had hours to wile away, they should be practicing their archery, not whacking at wooden balls with mallets.

不敢相信!一个战争贩子居然说中国应该和它一起去打压反抗者。这就是“表现得像个成年人”的定义吗?Unbelievable! How can a warmonger tells China to join him whacking those countries that 'defy' orders! Is this how one defines 'act like a grown up?

此外,如果国有企业按照北京政府的期望放弃套期保值合同,中央将会再次给予银行重重一击。Moreover, central officials will end up whacking them again if state enterprises walk away from their hedging contracts, as Beijing wants them to do.

“盖茨差不多就成了计算机行业的教父,一边从合作伙伴那里收钱,一边无情地打击那些威胁到他权利的人,”Carr说。"Gates became kind of a Godfather figure in the industry, demanding tributes from his partners and whacking those who threatened his power, " Carr said.

肯尼亚管理顾问宾德拉回忆起1980年代,“日本由于击败美国而得到广泛关注,现在印度和中国的情况同样如此。”Sunny Bindra the Kenyan management consultant recalls that in the 1980s “Japan got attention because it was whacking the US.It's the same with India and China now.

至今为止,该种“重大过失人身伤害”定罪数量已经两倍于其它“严重人身伤害”罪如殴打等。And the sentences so far meted out have been more than twice as long as those for the violent whacking and clobbering involved in other grievous-bodily-harm crimes.