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在美国内战前期辉格党成员。Whig Party in the US in pre-Civil-War times.

辉格党在参议员的领导人是肯塔基州的亨利.克莱。The Whig leader in the Senate was Henry Clay of Kentucky.

反对党辉格党看到范布伦的失败很高兴。The opposition Whig Party was happy over Van Buren's failures.

他受到几个候选人的反对,这几个候选人都是辉格党成员。He was opposed by several candidates, all of the new Whig Party.

有一伙辉格党国会议员聚会商议,投票将泰勒开除出辉格党。A large group of Whig congressmen met and voted to expel Tyler from the party.

辉格党的反对不足以阻止总统的所有的建议。Whig opposition was not strong enough to defeat all the president's proposals.

汉密尔顿的联邦党人日后演变成辉格党,之后又演变成共和党。Hamilton’s Federalists evolved into the Whig Party and then the Republican Party.

他发表的就职演讲也体现了辉格党人的政治宗旨。He even delivered an Inaugural Address, but it seemed full of good Whig doctrine.

那是奇特的组合——古板严肃的年轻女王和上了年纪、玩世不恭的维新党成员相组合。It was a strange conjunction—the prim serious young Queen and the elderly, cynical Whig.

民主党取得了巨大的胜利,以致许多人认为辉格党已经完了。The Democratic victory was so great that many people thought the Whig Party was finished.

所有,辉格党的领导们认为温菲尔德·斯科特是党内的不二人选。So, party leaders thought that if any Whig could be elected president, it was Winfield Scott.

与此同时,辉格党的竞选歌曲还说范布伦在白宫里过着国王般的生活。At the same time, the Whig campaign songs said Van Buren lived like a king in the White House.

许多革命的菁英领袖赞同急进民权党的政治思想。Many of the gentlemen leaders of the Revolution subscribed to Radical Whig political thinking.

同为国会的辉格党成员理查德·谢里登和詹姆士·福克斯不赞同伯克而与他分裂。Fellow Whig MPs Richard Sheridan and Charles James Fox disagreed with Burke and split with him.

泰勒任职后期,原辉格党的内阁地位已由南方保守主义者取代。By the end of his term, Tyler had replaced the original Whig Cabinet with southern conservatives.

在维吉尼亚州以外,韦伯斯特和他的支持者是泰勒在辉格党唯一真正的力量。Webster and his supporters were Tyler's only real strength in the Whig Party outside of Virginia.

除这些不同政见外,泰勒和辉格党国会通过了很多积极的立法法案。Despite their differences, President Tyler and the Whig Congress enacted much positive legislation.

美国辉格党政治家、九任总统威廉享利哈里森诞生于弗吉尼亚洲伯克利。William Henry Harrison , American Whig statesman and9 th President, was born in Berkeley, Virginia.

辉格党领导人不让他们的候选人随便讲话,不让他写任何东西,所有他的信件都是由他的政治顾问们起草的。Whig leaders would not let their candidate make many speeches. They would not let him write anything.

日益恶化的奴隶制问题使得辉格党领导人亨利.克莱处境艰难。The increasing bitterness over the issue of slavery put Whig leader Henry Clay in a difficult position.