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温莎堡城堡和城镇。Windsor castle and the town.

乔治六世称他哥哥为温莎公爵。George VI styled his brother Duke of Windsor.

这次会议在洞爷湖畔的温莎饭店举行。The meet was held in Windsor Toya Hotel, Lake Toya.

温莎展览出的最古怪的茶巾之一。One of the quirkier tea towels on display in Windsor.

对话会议在洞爷湖畔的温莎饭店举行。The meeting was held in Windsor Toya Hotel, Lake Toya.

第二天萍玉离开伦敦去了温莎堡。The next day Pingyu was leaving London for Windsor Castle.

圣克莱尔学院温莎校区,温莎市,安大略省,加拿大。St. Clair college windsor campus, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

在温莎山山顶,有一个“不准右转”的标示。There is a "no right turn" sign at the top of Windsor Hill.

三天后,他安排在温莎堡见黛安娜。Three days later, he arranged to see Diana at Windsor Castle.

他们现在有了一个新的称号------温莎公爵和夫人。And they now took a new name ---the Duke andDuchess of Windsor.

白金汉宫和温莎堡一样由英国政府所有。The palace, like Windsor Castle, is owned by the British state.

在温莎,凯特和威廉面具既让人莫名惊诧又让人佩服不已。These Kate and William masks in Windsor look scarily convincing.

我们想要在一好时间,和一个好原因在温莎看见你!We want to see you in Windsor for a good time, and a good cause !

买电脑可以去铜锣湾的皇室大厦购物中心。For computers, go to Windsor House shopping center in Causeway Bay.

现在他和妻子被称为温莎公爵伉俪。Now he and his wife would be called the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

那就是说,就个人而言,我没啥要反对威廉温莎的。That said, I don't have anything against William Windsor personally.

威廉王子在第一天去温莎附近的伊顿公学的路上。Prince William on his way to his first day at Eton school near Windsor.

三天后,他回来了,他被安排见戴安娜在温莎堡。Three days after he was back, he arranged to see Diana at Windsor Castle.

随着时间流逝,温莎公爵一反常态,改写历史。As the years went by, the Duke of Windsor rejigged his version of history.

他们在温莎城堡受到了伊丽莎白女王的接待。They were hosted by Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle after their arrival.