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摔跤运动员扭住了对手。The wrestler tackled his opponent.

那名摔跤手摔翻了对手。The wrestler toppled his opponent.

可能一个选手吃还不够。Probably not enough for one wrestler.

你真是疯了,竟然要做一名摔跤手。You have to be crazy to be a wrestler.

摔跤手在角斗前称了体重,是160磅。The wrestler was weighed in at 160 pounds.

他是个接受所有新手挑战的摔跤运动员。E. g. He is a wrestler who took on all comers.

WWE历史上最著名的职业摔跤手之一。WWE history, one of the most famous professional wrestler.

一切都在你手中现在创建您的梦想摔角手。Everything is in your Hands now to create YOUR dream wrestler.

那摔角手把对方摔倒在地了。The wrestler succeeded in throwing his opponent to the canvas.

他嗾使人去劝他跟那个有名的摔跤师去摔跤。He set on people to persuade him to wrestle with the famous wrestler.

国王拉杰克里希纳戴瓦本身也是一位一流的摔跤手和骑师。The king, Raja Krishnadev was an ace wrestler and horseman , himself.

黛丝和山姆森正在讨论女摔跤手凯莉?威廉斯。Daisy is talking with Samson about Kelly Williams, the female wrestler.

某日在城里,奈奇在街上看到一位职业摔角冠军。One day while in town, Nacho sees a champion professional wrestler on the street.

葡萄酒是一个狡猾的摔跤手,最邪恶的地方就在于它先定住你的脚。The great evil of wine is that it first seizes the feet, it is a crafty wrestler.

你们的空手道和柔道赢不了我这老式摔跤手。You karate and judo girls dan't stand a chance with an old-fash-Toned wrestler like me.

本诺伊特的家中发现了处方类固醇。Authorities say they discovered prescription steroids in the home of pro wrestler Chris Benoit.

我们也不知道宝矿力是什么,但现在我们只能假定这是一名相扑选手的名字。We don't know who Pocari is either, but we're going to go ahead and assume he's a Sumo wrestler.

在加尔各答一项训练赛上,一名传统印度摔跤手将泥沙涂到自己身上,印度。A traditional Indian wrestler smears mud on himself during a practice session in Calcutta, India.

美国图片。像他平原努力地,银色马刺在引导摔角运动员科蒂搏斗闪烁经过这污垢的夏延河。As he lands hard, silver spurs on steer wrestler Coty Battles glint through the dirt of Cheyenne.

天刚破晓,我们便要起来,穿上腰布,跟一位盲人拳师学一两套拳。We had to get up before dawn and, clad in loin-cloths, begin with a bout or two with a blind wrestler.