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“我都记不得我自己是谁了,”我沮丧地说道。I can't remember who I am, I said, wretchedly.

但这条路可能会极其不平坦。But the journey is likely to be wretchedly uncomfortable.

即使我真的爱上了人家,也不会盲目到这样该死的地步。Had I been in love, I could not have been more wretchedly blind.

吉登斯和劳森一样认为绿色运动的思想十分混乱。Giddens joins Lawson in dismissing this thinking as wretchedly woolly.

我们也许仍旧要颤抖,自觉拙劣的恐惧心也许要逗留不去,然而我们是在成长的。We may still tremble, the fear of doing wretchedly may linger, but we grow.

但国家的某些地区仍过着悲惨的贫穷生活,特别是北部地区。But some parts of the country remain wretchedly poor, particularly in the north.

在缅甸被台风侵袭4天后才有可怜的一点点确切的关于牺牲者的信息。Four days after the Burma cyclone there is wretchedly little hard information about the victims.

而10年来葡萄牙可怜的经济低增长率加深了困扰整个经济体的问题。In Portugal a decade of wretchedly low growth testified to problems afflicting the whole economy.

巨大的压力让这颗冉冉升起的新星身陷演艺事业停滞的悲惨境地。The immense strains wretchedly put this uprising star in a miserable dilemma with her performing career stagnated.

“妈”,谢尔顿说,面对着他母亲这种乐观心情,他感到一种打考验的时间开始以来,从来不曾有过的心灰意懒。"Mother, " said Shelton, who, confronted by her optimism, had never, since his time of trial began, felt so wretchedly dejected.

这是第一本让我成长的书籍,故事内容并不完美,讲述了当现实不幸脱离理想时,孩子们走向成熟的经历。It was my first grown-up book, a story not pat or perfect, about children coming of age in a time when reality falls wretchedly short of ideals.

他青年时期,他不喜欢只记得两部分,他在伦敦度过年,齐普赛,为德国裁缝谁是穷得可怜工作。The only part of his youth he didn't like to remember was the two years he had spent in London, in Cheapside, working for a German tailor who was wretchedly poor.

过去,整个农村经常遭受流行病的肆虐,这大半是由于住民取用不乾净的水源,包括不流动的池水、受到污染的河水。The country used to suffer much from epidemic diseases, which ere largely caused by the wretchedly bad water which the natives obtained from stagnant pools and contaminated streams.

我国是世界上森林资源最贫乏的国家之一,但自恃森林资源比较丰富的地区,森林资源的破坏仍在继续。China is one of the countries which are mo st wretchedly lacking forest resources. But in some areas, being capitalized on the richer forest resources, some kinds of destroying behaviors still exist.