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吉布森极力否认有不法行为。Gibson denies wrongdoing.

唐奇格否认有错。Donziger has denied wrongdoing.

真是的!我受够了他的劣行。Really! I'm fed up with his wrongdoing.

你总有一天会为做的坏事而受到惩罚。You'll answer for your wrongdoing one day.

高盛及法布里斯·图尔本人均否认有任何不法行为。Goldman and Tourre have denied any wrongdoing.

调查免除了他们对所有的坏事的责任。The investigation absolved them of any wrongdoing.

所以佛法、世法都不能贪爱,贪爱是一切罪障的根源。Greed is the source of all misdeeds and wrongdoing.

咱们当中的壮汉强烈憎恶这件坏事。The strong man in us strongly hates the wrongdoing.

人们当外的壮汉强烈爱恨那件坏事。The strong man among us strongly hates the wrongdoing.

对已经发生的严重错误,我们感到非常抱歉,对那些被伤害的人们,我们表示深深的歉意。We are sorry for the serious wrongdoing that occurred.

原来这就是“可信的不道德行为的证据”的标准。So much for the credible evidence of wrongdoing standard.

一般不做坏事遏阻原因是害怕后果。Fear of consequences is a common deterrent from wrongdoing.

辉瑞或惠氏是否会承认不法行为目前尚不清楚。It isn't clear if Pfizer or Wyeth will admit to wrongdoing.

张说,他会即刻调查他的中介代理有没有任何不当行为。Zhang says he's investigating his agents for any wrongdoing.

她之后撤回认罪自白并否认有任何行为不当。She later recanted that confession and has denied wrongdoing.

韦尔特和萨科齐都否认在这个案件里做过任何错事。Both Mr Woerth and Mr Sarkozy deny any wrongdoing in the case.

他们说,潘和他的妻子已经被澄清了没有问题。They said Mr. Pan and his wife had been cleared of wrongdoing.

米斯塔费尔说,他和他的家人是清白无辜的。Mostafaei said he and his family are innocent of any wrongdoing.

他对此全部表示否认,并形容这些案件"纯属闹剧"。He has denied all wrongdoing and described the cases as "real farces".

郭敬明支付了赔款但拒绝道歉或承认自己做错了。Guo paid the judgment but refused to apologize or admit any wrongdoing.