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法默带着一脸歪笑提示道。Farmer suggests with a wry smile.

铁山无奈苦笑。Iron mountain helpless wry smile.

你们是否期待我们被收拾一通?So if you're expecting us to be wry?

歪嘴属于严重缺陷。Wry mouth is to be severely faulted.

林先生叹一口气苦笑着,算是谦逊。Mr. Lin sighed and smiled in wry modesty.

老沙头嘴角挂出一丝苦涩的笑纹,摇了摇头。The old man shook his head with a wry smile.

白求恩放开了董的马,噘了噘嘴。Bethune released Tung's horse and made a wry mouth.

“我们不需要这个钱,”马思科苦笑了一下说。"We don't need the money, " says Musk with a wry smile.

巴尔格停顿了一下,但是他含蓄的笑容说明了一切。Bulger paused for a minute. The wry smile on his face said it all.

这本书充满了萧伯纳独特的爱尔兰式幽默与嘲讽。This book is suffused with Shaw's characteristic wry Irish humour.

一个人的苦笑,傻傻的依靠在树边遥望远方的星空。A person's wry smile, silly on from the tree a longing for the stars.

而是由高强,一个幽默感扭曲的猫头鹰一样的官僚代替。Instead the duty fell to Gao, an owlish bureaucrat with a wry sense of humor.

当时,入诗的皆为日常琐事,令人啼笑皆非。Poetry specialised , at that moment , in the wry chronicling of the everyday.

当你有了一个扭曲的观点时,就很难长时间保持不安或敌对心态。when you have a wry perspective, it's hard to remain anxious or hostile for long.

在这则天马行空的安全性行为商业广告中,安全套在厨艺及台球比赛中均战胜了艾滋病毒。A condom beats the AIDS virus at cooking and billiards in this wry safe sex commercial.

歪果大多只有4~5粒种子,且都集中在果实偏大的一边。At most, only 4-5 seeds were in a wry fruit and concentrated in the side of biger fruit.

歪嘴是严重的缺陷,当嘴闭着时,牙齿和舌头应该是看不见的。A wry mouth is a serious fault. The teeth and tongue do not show when the mouth is closed.

我只能无奈地苦笑,弟弟这个捣蛋鬼,谁能管得住他呀?I can only reluctantly wry smile, the younger brother this rascal, who can tube dwelled him?

我看着书桌前那张合影,想起了和朋友们在一起的快乐时光,苦笑了一声。I looked at desks that zhang photo, remembering the friends and good times together, wry smile 1

扭曲的牙齿、上颚突出式咬和或下颚突出式咬和有明显的间隙属于严重缺陷。Severe Faults Wry and undershot or overshot bites with a noticeable gap must be severely penalized.