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路易十四做了些什么事情呢What does Louis XIV do?

这是我们的项目远景。That is our vision for XIV.

第四编,第二部,第十四章。Book 4, title ii, chapter xiv.

他此刻正与路易十四共商大计。He was now in the measures of Lewis XIV.

它曾属于法国国王路易十四。It belonged to the French king Louis xiv.

路易十四和查理二世都是个中里手。Both Louis XIV and Charles II were dab hands.

国际组织。完成第十四部份。International organization. Complete Par XIV.

路易十四之前的统治者是路易十三Louis XIV was preceded in number by Louis XIII.

墙上的挂画是法国国王路易十四。On the wall is a picture of the french king Louis XIV.

路易十四很想要占领整个荷兰Louis XIV would love to control all of the Netherlands.

那位新来的人宣称他是路易十四的儿子。The newcomer gave himself out to be the son of Louis XIV.

本规程解释权属于组委会。XIV. This interpretation belongs to the committee procedure.

中世纪的法国,路易十四将这种奢侈发挥到了极至。Medieval France, Louis XIV will play in the worst such luxury.

路易十四是一个经典的例子,你们将会读到关于他的书籍Now, the classic case, of course, Louis XIV you can read about.

马博罗公爵若少了法王路易,XIV,世,会是什么光景?What would the Duke of Marlborough ? have been without Louis XIV?

路易十四也有双红底红鞋跟的类似高跟鞋的东西。Louis XIV also had a thing for high heels with red soles and heels.

任何时代都是这样的,我亲爱的莫雷尔,从路易十四那个时代就开始这样了。It has always been so, my dear Morrel, since the reign of Louis XIV.

尽管太阳王已经日显老迈,波旁王朝的根基仍然坚固。The French Bourbon dynasty is strong, even though Louis XIV is aging.

当1661年马萨林去世,路易十四接手王国。When Mazarin died in 1661, Louis XIV took over full control of the kingdom.

我们现在进入的是由教皇克雷芒十四世于1770年建立的庇护-克莱门蒂诺博物馆。Now we are in the Pio-Clementine Museum, founded by Pope Clement XIV in 1770.