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鸭绿江上有一座钢铁大桥。A steel railway bridge spans the Yalu River.

朝鲜和中国只隔一条鸭绿江。Korea and China are separated by only the Yalu River.

第7步兵师的任务是完成挺进鸭绿江的行动。The 7th Infantry Division was to complete its advance to the Yalu.

这个13平方公里的水晶般纯净的湖泊是松花江和鸭路江的源头。The 13 sq km crystal clear lake is the source of Songhua and Yalu rivers.

辽宁地区的淡水虎鱼主要分布在辽河和鸭绿江两大河流。The freshwater goby is mainly found in Liao River and Yalu River in Liaoning.

然后,他们鸭绿江,朝鲜和中国之间的边界走向。Then they moved toward the Yalu River, the border between North Korea and China.

中国的丹东和朝鲜毗邻。The city of Dandong in China borders North Korea, with the Yalu River in between.

长城东起山海关,西至甘肃嘉峪关,东至鸭绿江。The Great Wall east to Shanhaiguan, West to Gansu and east to Jiayuguan, the Yalu River.

朝鲜-中国产品博览会在丹东市区的鸭绿江酒店举行。The North Korea-China Products Expo was held at the Yalu River Hotel in downtown Dandong.

船游鸭绿江是远观朝鲜景色和朝鲜人最常用的方式。Yalu River boat tours are the most popular means of gazing at North Korea—and North Koreans.

一名朝鲜军人在朝鲜新义州附近的鸭绿江旁站岗。North Korean soldier stands guard beside the Yalu River near the North Korean town of Sinuiju.

鸭绿江岸边的小贩向那些想望见对岸朝鲜的人出租双目镜。On the banks of the Yalu River, hawkers rent binoculars to people intent on gazing at Sinuiju.

划分中国和北韩的鸭绿江的水位已经上升到十年以来的最高点。The Yalu river, which separates China and North Korea, has risen to its highest level in a decade.

黄古勇是个沙岛位于分隔中国与北韩的鸭绿江口。Hwanggumpyong is a sandy island at the mouth of the Yalu river that divides North Korea from China.

位于鸭绿江大桥一侧的丹东是朝鲜重要的食品和燃料供应地。The bridge across the Yalu river at Dandong is a vital source of supplies and fuel for North Korea.

断桥横卧在鸭绿江之上,桥上的累累弹痕是一段历史的见证。The Broken Bridge on the Yalu River. The bullet holes on the bridge bear witness to a period of history.

第三个问题,近日印度媒体有报道称中方在雅鲁藏布江上游修建水坝。Thirdly, recent reports in India said that China will build a dam on the upstream of Yalu Tsangpo River.

东珠是产自中国东北黑龙江/乌苏里江/鸭绿江等流域的野生河珠,质地圆润硕大,色泽晶莹,得之不易。Dongzhu was river beads produced in the Henlongjiang River, Wusuli River and Yalu River, the northeast China.

一位北韩女子五月八日背著小孩在北韩鸭绿江的堤岸边骑乘一辆脚踏车。North Korean woman rides a bicycle with her child on her back on the banks of Yalu River in North Korea on May 8.

上海宜路期待并时刻准备着为您提供满意的紧固系统全方位解决方案。Shanghai Yalu is look forward to provide you with satisfactory full range solutions in realm of fastening system.