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伊丽莎白是萨迦利亚的妻子。Elizabeth is the wife of Zacharias.

你注意到天使对对撒迦利亚说甚麽吗?Did you notice what the angel said to Zacharias?

撒迦利亚看见、就惊慌害怕。Zacharias saw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him.

撒加利亚吓坏了,但是加百列马上使他安静下来。Zacharias was terrified, but Gabriel quickly tried to calm him down.

他父亲撒迦利亚,被圣灵充满了,就预言说And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying

希律派他的官员在庙中找到了撒迦利亚,问他,你的孩子在哪里?And Herod sent his officers to Zacharias in the temple and said to him, Where is thy child?

他对每一个人都是这么说,从旧约的亚伯拉罕到新约撒迦利亚。He also told this to everyone from Abraham in the Old Testament to Zacharias in the New Testament.

在撒迦利亚期待弥赛亚降临,向上帝发出赞美时,他也在期待一个属灵的「日出」。When Zacharias praised God in anticipation of the Messiah, he also looked forward to a spiritual sunrise.

撒迦利亚和伊丽莎白都老了,他们非常伤心,因为他们从没有孩子。Both Zacharias and Elisabeth were old folk and they were quite sad because they never had had any children.

撒迦利亚对天使说,我凭着什么可知道这事呢,我已经老了,我的妻子也年纪老迈了。And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years.

我们不能象撒加利亚那样,一旦他有机会,就会在上帝的话语实现之前加以否定。We must not be like Zacharias who, if he had opportunity, would have negated the words of God before it could be accomplished.

片刻之后,巨大的震动击倒了Zacharias,码头开始崩塌,汽车和人都掉落到了水中。Moments later, a tremendous jolt knocked Zacharias off his feet, and the pier collapsed, spilling cars and people into the water.

玛丽有一个堂姐,叫伊丽莎白,跟一个叫撒迦利亚的与神殿服务有关的神职员结了婚。耶稣网。Mary had a cousin by the name of Elisabeth who had been married to a certain Zacharias a priest connected with the service of the Temple.

那时,有哈盖和依多的儿子匝加利亚二位先知,受感动奉以色列天主的名,劝勉在犹大和耶路撒冷的犹太人。Now Aggeus the prophet, and Zacharias the son of Addo, prophesied to the Jews that were in Judea and Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel.

在魁地奇比赛后,金妮撞毁解说席把扎卡赖斯·史密斯压在下面,之后哈利和金妮拥抱,但是他很快就放开了她。After the Quidditch match when Ginny collides with the podium collapsing it around Zacharias Smith, Harry and Ginny hug, but he lets go very quickly.

“我认为斯莱特林队的哈珀已经看见飞贼了!”扎卡赖斯·史密斯对着魔法麦克风说,“没错,他肯定看见了什么,波特没看见!”"And I think Harper of Slytherin's seen the Snitch! " said Zacharias Smith through his megaphone. "Yes, he's certainly seen something Potter hasn't! "