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战争终结了祖鲁作为独立国家的历史。The war ended the Zulu nation's independence.

在南非神鲁村,有一口古老的水井。In Zulu , South Africa , there is an old well.

直到现在年轻的祖鲁男孩还练习格斗。To this day young Zulu boys practise fighting.

我们一直在研究南非祖鲁人的圣歌。We've been studying Zulu chants of South Africa.

同样的,1879年的祖鲁战争也有着相同的性质。The same could be argued of the Zulu War of 1879.

该词来自于祖鲁语和科萨语。The word comes from the Zulu and Xhosa languages.

用炸药包把祖鲁航点的路障摧毁。Destroy roadblock at waypoint Zulu with a satchel charge.

一位祖鲁族女招待正在为顾客端上当地特色的烤肉。A Zulu waitress is serving local barbecues for her customers.

今天,祖鲁族人这句谚语可以应用到非洲的领导身上。This Zulu Proverb can be applied to leadership in Africa today.

约翰尼首先教我们做祖鲁勇士的问候礼。Oneof the first things Johnny taught us was a Zulu warrior greeting.

有人说是来源于祖鲁语中“制造噪音”的说法。Some argue that it originates from the Zulu for 'making a loud noise'.

祖鲁人把鬣狗叫做impisi,意思是“做清洁工作的人”。The Zulu name for a hyena is impisi, that means “the one who cleans up.”

在牛群中,该病称为那加那病,祖鲁语的意思是“抑郁”。In cattle the disease is called Nagana, a Zulu word meaning "to be depressed".

祖鲁战争发生于1879年,是大英帝国与南非祖鲁王国之间的战争。The Anglo-Zulu War was fought in 1879 between the British Empire and the Zulu Kingdom.

能绘制色彩缤纷的壁画的恩德贝勒人说一种跟祖鲁语及班图语有关的恩格瓦尼语。Authors of colourful murals, Ndebeles speak a Nguni language, related to Zulu and Xhosa.

而且为什么用马达加斯加语或者祖鲁族语写的博客,说英语的人就看不了呢?And why should an English speaker be barred from reading blogs written in Malagasy or Zulu?

Zulu先生是一位充满活力和不屈不挠的结核病和艾滋病毒合并感染者利益代言人。Mr Zulu is a dynamic and tireless advocate on behalf of people co-infected with TB and HIV.

有些人认为它的名字来源于祖鲁语,还有人说它的名字来源于城镇俚语。Some say its name comes from the Zulu language, others that it derives from township slang.

首先,本次世界杯将采用一颗名叫“扎布拉尼”的新球,“扎不拉尼”在祖鲁语中为“普天同庆”之意。First, the games will feature a new ball, called the Jabulani, the Zulu word for "celebrate."

在城市里处处提着小心的外国人,来到这里总算是找到了一个避难所。In a town that can be very frightening to the foreigner the Zulu Nyala was a sanctuary in every way.