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Concept: Easterling Map Content #330

Remerod opened this issue Mar 4, 2022 · 6 comments

Concept: Easterling Map Content #330

Remerod opened this issue Mar 4, 2022 · 6 comments


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Remerod commented Mar 4, 2022


Wanted to help make some sugestions for the Easterling map content for 3.0. So i put togather some map suggestion and theme ones, have a bunch of history stuff here, but that's mainly to point out stuff from where i base my suggestions from and not to write "this should be there complete history", so in short, this is mainly a map, culture and theme sugestion kinda.


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So during the secound age and forward the people around Rhûnaer that worship Sauron are called Easterlings. The Easterlings have been enemies of gondor many times through out history. And while you could write an whole essay on this i just wanted to bring up some points about the relative important stuff about the Balcoch empire, it's fall and continuation as the Golden Army while also mentioning the cultures.

So mainly taken from Merp lore
Rhûn Timeline

  • 2510 The Bôm, leads his armies in an invasion of Calenardhon. The Balchoth are joined by a host of Orcs from Moria. Together they hem in the Gondorian army, but are surprised as they close in for the kill by a great host of Eotheod cavalry led by Eorl the Young. The Battle at Parth Celebrant is a decisive victory for Gondor and her allies.

  • 2766 - after the Battle of Calenardhon the Balchoth Empire falls into despair.

  • 2766 - civil-war among the descendants of the Balchoth.The following years the Balchoth Empire will fall and three sucessor realms will appear:Rostamush,Narimanush and Bozorganush.

  • 2700 – at the Kól mouths the Hazga-Dynasty builds a realm of the same name.Rumour spreads among the easterlings that the Hazga or at last their Kings have Barkashad-Blood.

  • 2748 – Alatar's former servant Bountîg, becomes the first Lôke-Kân of the Lôke-Egleria, then a minor sect of Dragon-Worshipers.

c.2780 – a new way of living evolves into a new kind of culture. Since many of the easterling tribes move from nomadism to semi-nomadism and later to a life in steady settlements in the fertile river valleys, some became farmers.The tribes of the Balchoth-Sucessor Realms, many of whom speak the same language after years of assimilation, form three new realms Rostamush, Narimanush and Bozorganush

  • 2900 – supported by Saurons emissaries, the Kazars form the golden Army.The golden army controls the tribute-roads and caravan ways to the dark east and oppress corrupt oasis-Kings, the Yax, by which they gather immense wealth.The most influential Kazars form the Dragon-Order, in which only the wealthiest can buy their membership.The golden army fights the free plainstribes of the eastern Kól (Talathrant) regions under whose the Ithryn Luin doctrines of rebellion are still strong and who refuse to subjugate to Saurons dominion, they call themselves ‘’Rahiwenna’’ (free tribes’’).

  • c. 2900 the Golden Army builds border-fortresses all along the kól.They protect Saurons tribute-caravans from the rebellious Rahiwenna.Corrupt Oasis-Kings become allies of the Kazars in the east.Some of the more influential even gain membership of the Order of Dragons.Western Kazars now receive fiefs in the east along Sauron's roads, many mixed-marriages between Kazars and eastern Princesses are contrived.Mordor and Saurons eastern fortresses become places of pilgrimage of the adherents of the Dark Worship.

  • 2956 - Borthand becomes leader of the northernmost Rostamush or descendants of the Balchoth.The same year he ascends to the Throne of the Lôke-Kân.

  • 2987 – ships of the golden army are attacked by unknown enemies.It shows that these ‘’Corsairs of Rhûn’’ stem largely from the sea-easterlings, the "Ûlshor" who live in the riverine valleys and on the shores of the Rhunaer.The Lôke-Kân accuses Rouavald of being their secret ally.

  • 2990 – Margôz is elected the ruling Lôke-Kân.He orders his general Rurzaur to conquer Candros in Dor-Rhûnen.

  • 3017 – The kingdom of the Kól mouths is conquered.The Hazga are pressed into slavery and military service by the golden Army, a few refugees, the Hazga move to the lands close to the Iron Hills.After the assassination of Zamîkh, the Title is briefly held by Queen Mareke, the first female Dragon-Ruler.

  • 3019 – the great eastern army (or golden Army) attacks Gondor.Led by their desperate King Gizik the Hazga fight at the Pelennor while a Hazga-Jangovar-Hunkar Alliance threatens the Bardings.Dorwinion is Divided, the old realms master Bladorthin Koldana is murdered by a Variag Asassin known as ‘’Asternak the Usriev’’, many desparate Dorwinrim follow Saurons spokesman Layos.The Grimthid of southern Rovanion fight along the side of the Bardings and bravely defend the Celduin.

The Golden Army, Great Eastern Army, Glittering Host or Lôke-Rim were names of Sauron´s main eastern Force during end of the Third Age. The Great Eastern Army was controlled by two exalted Orders – the War-Priest and the Dragon-Knights. The Army's leader or highest ranking Lord was also known as the Dragon-Ruler. They controlled an area called The Golden Realm (Rhu.:"Medlóshûkain", BS."Porandur-lûr") or Realm of the Golden Army

the Balchoth empire falls apart and some minor & major tribal kingdoms forms, it's decendents eventially forms the dragon order/army and semi-unifies unnder an allaince under the mandate of the dragon ruler.

I think most on the team is behind the rule of the Golden Army


Some recommended cultures for the easterlings.

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The Hazga were not a new people but the descendants of different northern tribes who gathered around the Kól estuary. Among them were descendants of the Dyrians and Desdûrsya but also the last remnants of the Umli. According to legend, the Wizard Alatar was influential in the forming of the alliance.

The Sagath were an Easterling Tribe on the eastern Borders of Rhovanion.Sometimes also the Brygath of southern Rhûn were called "the Southern Sagath".

Men of Rustamush?
The Jangovar were an Easterling people from ancient Lotan, east of the Rhûnaer.They were descendants of the Balchoth, once a mighty confederacy of many tribes. They often found themselves subjugated or pressed into league with the more powerful Eastern Realm of Bozorganush.

The Khundolar were a tribe of the Easterlings hailing from the ancient Kykurian Kyn, east of the Rhûnaer. As their close kinsmen, the Jangovar, they were late descendants of the Balchoth. They trained Berserker-warriors, light armed archers and scoutsriders and Battle-cats, and were accompanied by an order of eastern sorcerers known as the Blue Caste. Their troops communicated via message-shouters.

The Asdriags were a collection of nine Ioriag tribes that dwelt for much of the Second Age among the arid foothills of the Pustrava and the Asdriagien Lîtto. In T.A. 1100 the tribes were forced to flee the region they called home because of mounting aggression from their stronger neighbors in Nûrad and Khand.

The Odhriags were an easterling People in southern Rhûn, close to the Mountains of Mordor. Like the Asdriags, the Odhriags also have in them a measure of Ioriag blood. In their case, however, Ioriag ancestry has been combined with the Aharic traditions of the Otyassi,forming a unique cultural mix.

The Igath ("All-People") were a collection of primitive peoples descending from all of the Easterling Tribes loyal to the Plains-god, most prominently the Gathmarig. They were first founded by the King of Mistrand, at the bidding of emissaries of Sauron, the true identity of their "Plains-God," and later they recruited among his vassal peoples as the Brygath. Other Nomad-Easterlings, such as the Sagath and Logath Tribes, later allied themselves with the Igath, and became part of the confederacy. Their name for themselves supported the claim of representation of all nations of Rhûn.

The Urgath are a loose collection of matriarchal tribes descended from the Southern Ulgath of the Second Age.Their ancestors dwelt for centuries along the banks of the Talathrant River and were allied to the Variags before both peoples were evicted by rebellion. In their journey to Rhun,they were transformed into a much smaller collection of tribes and were content to dwell in peace along thesoutheastern coast of the Sea and along the Surubeki River.The Urgath developed into a pastoral semi-sedentary people,and their cultural traditions have had a great deal of influenceon the Gathmarig culture which evolved in their midst.Over its history, Urgath culture has shown itself to be prone to outside influence. The shadow gained control of the tribes through religion in the Second Age and the Urgath fought onthe side of Mordor at Dagorlad. Later, the Urgath wereheavily influenced by Folyavulda traders and sided with the men of Kelepar against the servants of Kerkassk in the War of Clay Jars. Since the plague, however, the Urgath havebeen thoroughly dominated by Mistrand and are again counted among the subjects of the Dark Lord.


Our early draft for cultures in rhovanion-Rhûn


EU4 Lord of Universalis map of their lotr, that takes place during the year of 2758


Map Environment & Settlements

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MERP Golden Realm borders

Merp Near Rhûn rivers & Vegetation

Merp Near Rhûn cities

Merp Map of Talath Harroch

Merp Kravod principal town of Balcoth - Tirith Thoron

Merp map of Sagath home Huz Clan

Merp Near Rhûn

Merp Rhûnaer, also shows the great city of Kelepar on the eastern shores

Merp map of the Carin Angle Ermanareiksbaurg.

Map Borders

My main suggestion for counties, duchies are mainly from the EU4 lord of universalis Mod while the Kingdoms are more of the Merp lore.

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So i really like this version of the map, i just wanted to add an alternative take on it for the Easterlings!

Merp Map of the Balcoth Empire's succesor states

So i don't agree with LOTR:RtW borders on our start date, BUT i think dorwinion should be an early war target for the golden horde, and if they take their kingdom we could re-name it to kineland as it's called in LOTR:RtW as a nuedge to that game

Eu4 lotr mod area of Rhûn in the 2700~start date

Eu4 areas of Rhovanion in the 2700~start date

My Suggestion for the Map Borders


Kingdom De Jure
Mainly Based on Merp

  1. Narimanush
  2. Rostamush
  3. So this is kinda an idea of Narimanush de jure is to big, it could be part of the Brownlands, Uvanwaith, Dor Rhúnen or Southern Rhovanion de jure kingdom.
  4. Bozorganush or at least it's most western parts of the realm.


Duchy De Jure
Mainly Based on europa eniversalis, and they mainly base it on both Merp and the Lindefirion map

  1. Dacranamel
  2. Mistrand (many mentions on MERP about Mistrand being the capital of the area)
  3. Sûrûbeki Vale
  4. Gathod
  5. Kara Kalpak
  6. Cairn Angle
  7. Sagathavuld
  8. Men – I – Mordor
  9. Talath Harroch
  10. Ehwathrumavuld
  11. East Blight
  12. Sekelavuld
  13. Kelepar


Mainly Based on europa eniversalis, and they mainly base it on both Merp and the Lindefirion map
D Capital Lest
C_Lest 1
C_Riav 2
C_Sumna 3
C_Palcana 4
C_Dacranamel 5
C_Serverna 6
C_Dilgûd 7
C_Or Sârn 8

D Capital Mistrand
C_Mistrand 1
C_Astrel 2
C_Radibar 3

D Capital Kelepar
C_Sura 1
C_Tset-Habaor 2
C_Rhunea 3
C_Kelepar 5
C_Tset-Hedren 6

D_Sûrûbeki Vale
D Capital Sûrûbeki Vale
C_Sûrûbeki Vale 1
C_Crispa 2
C_Sûrûkan 3
C_Luts 4
C_Prislav 5
C_Saraï 6

D Capital Gathod
C_Gathod 1
C_Ulichi 2
C_Sharukan 3
C_Torkil 4
C_Khorgulkan 5
C_Dauma-Para 6
C_Meladunya or Pûstrava 7

D_Kara Kalpak
D Capital Kara Kalpak
C_Kara Kalpak 1
C_Ros Vale 2
C_Berendi 3
C_Kovui 4
C_Hallorn 5
C_Khurvasagh 6
C_Joghul 7
C_Togrul-Para 8
C_Kahar 9

D_Cairn Angle (eastern northmen in year 2700~)
D Capital Cairn Angle
C_Cairn Angle 1
C_Othnen Vale 2
C_Burh Ermanarikis 3
C_Stainah Westa 4
C_Fiskastatga Vale 5
C_Bereg 6

D Capital Sagathvuld
C_Sagathvuld 1
C_Echad-i-Sagath 2
C_Burh Padareiks 3
C_Burh Rilagad 4
C_Taj Urés 5
C_Nan Thorn Sîr 6
C_Ursh Lanna 7
C_Burh Beorills 8
C_Dor Rhúnen 9

D_Men – I – Mordor
D Capital Uztarûrzahar
C_Uztarûrzahar 1
C_Lag Ulurikon 2
C_Lag Hundur 3
C_Ashkirir 4
C_Bar Lithryn 5
C_Carvarad 6

D_Talath Harroch
D Capital Tirith Thoron (there is a easterling name or rather they built a new settlement upon in called Kravod )
C_Tirith Thoron 1
C_Burh Anthar (not easterling) 2
C_Burh Shalca (not easterling) 3
C_Rómenost 4
C_Uvanwaith 5 (altough it already has a duchy in game named after it, and maybe the name is better for the greater region).
C_Echad-i-Rochhîr 6
C_ Talath Harroch 7

D_Ehwathrumavuld (mainly not easterling)
D Capital Ehwathrumavuld
C_Wayhidsteade 1
C_Emyn Rhain 2
C_Burh Gadraughts 3
C_Anwuning 4
C_Burh Sauthis 5
C_Burh Scath 6
C_Burh Seath 7
C_Burh Ailgra 8
C_ Ehwathrumavuld 9
C_Kaerst 10

D_East Blight
D Capital Strayhold
C_Medelarnis 1 2
C_Burh Waldmarh 3
C_Burh Hleow 4
C_Burh Widu, Vidusbaurg or Pultavod in easterling tongue 5

D Capital Othelebed
C_Othelebed 1
C_Esegel 2
C_Askal 3
C_Eorstan 4
C_Smendis 5
C_Dobok Bron 6
C_Miel 7
C_Vadran 8

Art & Themes

Easterling City themes

So the easterlings whent from nomadic-tribal societies to "fuedal" city building under Saurons influence, and i think that they have some great art for them even though are maybe not that very known.

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So this is the city artwork of Rhûn from LOTR:RtW. i personally thinks it's fantastic and capture the themes of them thematically to me!

don't mind the name, kineland is in dorwanion and the capital for some reason in LOTR:RtW, mainly posted this as it gives an other view of the same artwork above.

Artwork for a Rhûn/Easterling Quarters from LOTR:RtW

Artwork for a Rhûn/Easterling Walls from LOTR:RtW

it's not easy to find good pics from lotr:RtW online but this is one of the low level cities of the easterling, and i think it looks very nice!

Middle tier (got the game myself, so can get better pictures now)

A High-tier Easterling city in LOTR:RtW and i think it looks absoltuly fantastic!

the main easterling base in LOTR:RtW their Minas thirith or Isengard. it looks very awesome to me and could be cool as a inspiration for an special easterling city!

So while LOTR:RtW might be a... mobile game and far from the greatest of lotr games, it's still have access to weta designs and i personally find how they depict the easterling cities to be very thematic and magnificent looking! and i hope we could get of some of these themes into our mod.

city art the eu4 Lord of Universalis use for the easterlings 1

city art the eu4 Lord of Universalis use for the easterlings 2


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the LOTR:RtW use for Rhûn/The Easterlings, i really love the gold + brown look on it, the traditional.. swaure star? i think this flag would look awesome for our Golden realm


just posting this pic becouse of the flags

the Sagath flag

I think the falg LOTR:RtW have for the easterling is perfect for the golden army/Rhûn/the Easterlings.

Cloths, Armor & Troop looks

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I think we all know how we want the easterlings to look, but the weta designs might not be something we'd gotten access before release

So in the meantime i have some suggestions from vanilla and EpE we could maybe use?

Steppe Armor + Corne Helmet with Chain Cover.

Indian Troops as Military Equipment.

I think these vanilla assets would help give an John Howe Easterlings concept at least. but there are some EPE assets that could help us better.

the Khorasan Helmets is a good choice i belive for the easterlings

the helmets + the Non Islamic Iranian Armor 1 bronze gives them a good gold-bronze-brown look

I think the Uyghur would make a great asset for the Easterlings, since their High clothing gives of dragon motives with golden/yellow cloths, which could fit the golden army very well?

I think the Seljuk Hats would fit them


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So there is mainly one character i think would be cool to get in, but i guess i need to point at two to argue for the one.

Hûz-Margôz (Ul."great Seed of Hûz") was an Easterling Lord from Near-Rhûn and a descendant of the Hûz Clan. He was an ambitious young warrior and a rival to Ôvatha IV. Later he eventually rose to become the new Dragon-Ruler.

So i guees he would be the logicall choice for our Dragon ruler/Lôke-Kân if we go mainly on MERP lore.



Kirun! The King of the Sands is the supreme Leader of the Easterling Armies, a noble warrior who earned his glory by guiding his chariot into the thick of the battle.

So this a is lotr:RtW character, and while i don't think lotr:RtW really brings a loot to the lore, this charater is very cool looking! And I could see him as the Lôke-Kân of the golden army. But even if we decide not to, i really hope we could let him be the leader of some of the other realms within the golden army mandate.

Well, i started writting so i guess i threw some other ones in here

Zhamîk was an Easterling King of Narimanush in Rhûn in the late Third Age. Rising from the Ghejura clan of southern Rhûn and claiming Riavod as his capital, he wedded Meija'hyn of the Haradrim to cement their alliance under Sauron. Zhamik ruled about TA 3009-3018 and is likely identical with the King of Rhûn who was assassinated by Saléme before the rise of Rurzaur.

Queen Mareke

3017 – The kingdom of the Kól mouths is conquered.The Hazga are pressed into slavery and military service by the golden Army, a few refugees, the Hazga move to the lands close to the Iron Hills.After the assassination of Zamîkh, the Title is briefly held by Queen Mareke, the first female Dragon-Ruler.

Would be cool to have a strong female ruler candidate.

Emperor Rurzaur was one of the three Easterling monarchs under the command of Sauron at the time of the War of the Ring and an ally of the Lôke-Kân. His dominion was an area in Rhûn called Bozorganush, where he was the most powerful of several rival emperors.

But i if we use Rurzaur, i don't think he should be emperor, more like king of Bozorganush.

Amdûr the Lord of Blades was a powerful Dragon-knight and an Easterling leader under Rurzaur during the War of the Ring. Amdûr had already carved a fearsome reputation in the lands beyond Mordor, and used his brutal skills on the blood-soaked Pelennor against the armies of Gondor. He was a swordsman beyond compare that enemy heroes would have done well to avoid, lest their heads be struck from their bodies before they could raise their own blade to parry him.

Baisheûin (Language and meaning unknown, but possibly a tongue of Ulgathic-kind) was an Easterling Lord and Master of the city of Tset-Habaor during the War of the Ring. His rise is mysterious, but depending on when the city was conquered by the priests of Sauron (likely around the time of the reconstruction of Barad-dûr) he may have been a puppet, implemented by the Priests of the Sauronic Empire and assigned only to provide his warriors and servants to the armies of the Dark Lord. It is possible, and even likely, that he participated in the Siege of Gondor, and perished in the Battle of Pelennor. Whether he had any descendants, or even if his realm persisted into the Fourth Age, is completely unknown.

Wârlog) was anEasterling-Champion who fought in Ithilien during the War of the Ring.

Amdûr, Baisheûin & Wârlog is mainly important becouse of this segment on the merp easterling timeline

  • 3018 – the Khundolar are summoned under Dâsakûn to move against the Woodmen of western Mirkwood.After Queen Mareke's mysterious death Kazar-Amdûr, master of Blades, a powerful member of the order of Dragons, Baisheuin the Petty-King of Tset-Habaor and Warlog, a servant of Alatar and general of the golden army are in competition to become the new Lôke-Kân.
@Remerod Remerod added this to To do in Release 3.1 via automation Mar 4, 2022
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VectorMaximus commented Mar 4, 2022

So, my own internal lore I've been writing...

2512 - after the Battle of Celebrant, the Balchoth Empire falls into civil war and fractures. Three successor realms appear, headed by the most powerful of the surviving generals of the Balchoth: these are the dynasties of Rostamush,Narimanush and Bozorganush. However, within a generation, the factitious Easterlings cause these new dynasties to begin to fracture, and by 2600 the last remnants of the Blachoth Empire have completely faded into history. These are the Days of Blood, as they are known among the Easterlings.

2748 – Bountîg the Great becomes the first Lôke-Kân of Medlóshûkain. The realm is small in those days, centered around Mithrand and the southern shore of Rhun. The Easterlings begin to build true cities and abandon their pastoral, migratory ways. Upon his death in 2801, a new Lôke-Kân, Yuktîr the Fierce of the Asdriags, is elected to the throne. Under his reign, the realm expands viciously and vigorously, growing to encompass much of the old Balchoth Empire in the East.

2889 - Zôr of the Igath is elected as new Lôke-Kân. In his reign, Sauron's agents begin to infiltrate the empire en-masse, spreading messages of dark salvation. The Dragon-Order of Maladum is formed. The realm begins to push westward.

2944 - Bôrthan-Hûz ascends the Throne. Also of the Igath clan, he is a man of calm disposition and reluctant to march to war for anybody - even Sauron. For this reason he was known as a peacemaker, and Rhovanion knew peace in his days. However, many of Sauron's devotees murmur bitterly of his cowardice and lack of zeal.

2990 – Fed up with Bôrthan-Hûz's neutrality, Sauron stirs up the zealous and war-hungry among Medlóshûkain to assassinate him and elect Zhamîk to the title of Lôke-Kân. Of the warlike Asdriag clan, the prosperity of the Easterlings is now fully turned to the making of weapons and preparing a great host. The Shadow lengthens upon the East.

3007 - Hûz-Margôz is elected the Lôke-Kân. Of the ancient Szreldor Dynasty, the young Hûz patriarch anxiously yearns to subjugate Dorwinion and the Northmen and bring all of Rhun under his house's banner. The Logath Confederacy in the north comes under attack.

3019 – Hûz-Margôz leads his people against the Northmen and the Dwarves of Erebor. Dorwinion is paralyzed by civil strife. Hûz-Margôz is slain at the gates of Erebor itself by Dain II, and the Golden Realm's great host takes immense losses as the Dwarves come forth from the Mountain to avenge their king. Many of Sauron's most loyal servants are among the slain. With the loss of much of their military strength, the Easterling clans begin to break free. Mareke of Mistrand manages to maintain control over a decent sized realm south of the sea of Rhun, and sends offers of peace and surrender to the Kings of the West.

@Remerod Remerod moved this from To do to Suggestions in Release 3.1 Mar 13, 2022
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Remerod commented Mar 24, 2022

Updated Brownlands Sugestion for Duchy, County & Baronies

Wanted to update my sugestion with baronies, did so and made it a little better then it was before in my opinion.

Brownlands Duchies

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  1. Harrock
  2. Dagorlad
  3. Men – I – Mordor
  4. Sagathavuld
  5. Carin Angle (not Part of Brownlands)
  6. Pinnon Rhûn
  7. Dor Rhúnen
  8. Talath Rhain
  9. Dobok Bron.
  10. Aglonedrain/ Ehwathrumavuld
  11. East Blight


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D Capital Tirith Thoron (there is a easterling name or rather they built a new settlement upon in called Kravod )

C_TTirith Thoron (Red)

  1. Tirith Thoron
  2. Khôren (Imperator)
    3 Mokta (imperator)
  3. Alerûr (Imperator)

C Burh Anthar (blue)

  1. Burh Anthar
  2. Burh Shalca
    3 Burh Baran

C_Rómenost (green)

  1. Garini (imperator)
  2. Rómenost
  3. Lorini (imperator)
  4. Carel (imperator)

C Echad-i-Rochhîr (Purple)

  1. Echad-i-Rochhîr (eu4)
  2. Talu Baran (ck2)
  3. Elthel Celebrin (eu4)

C Harrock (yellow)

  1. Harrock
  2. Ku-Haruvuba (imperator)
  3. Lang Rhuven (imperator)

Duchy Dagorlad?

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Continuation on a Dagorlad duchy?
C Gelebrin (ck2) (yellow)

  1. Dol Acharn (imperator) Gelebrin (ck2)
  2. Thuringwathost (imperator)
  3. Gelebrin (ck2)

C Dol Dagor (ck2) (blue)

  1. Bar Danel (eu4) Thuringwathost (imperator)
  2. Dol Dagor
  3. Bagronk (ck2)

Duchy Men – I – Mordor(EU4) or Aramuth Ayal(Imperator)

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D Capital Uztarûrzahar
C_Uztarûrzahar (LightBlue)

  1. Uztarûrzahar (EU4)

C Ashkirir (blue)

  1. Lhûneseb (Imperator)
  2. Ashkirir
  3. Andruhl (Imperator)

C Lag Ulurikon (green)

  1. Lag Hundur (orc camp)
  2. Lag Ulurikon
  3. Tast Thrurer (Imperator)

C Bar Lithryn (purple)

  1. Bar Lithryn (mining town)
  2. Carvarad (abandonen tower)
  3. Hallorn (Imperator)

Duchy Sagathavuld

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I had a bit bigger at the start, but then decided that Dor Rhúnen could get some more area

Capital C_Sagathvuld B_Echad-i-Sagath

  1. Echad-i-Sagath (Eu4)
  2. Khadú (imperator)
  3. Carn-Na (imperator)
  4. Sarukinta (imperator)

C Burh Padareiks (purple)

  1. Vedyl-Nân (imperator)
  2. Burh Padareiks](
  3. Burh Rilagad

C Taj Urés (blue)

  1. Taj Urés
  2. Busnínak (imperator)
  3. Arbardû (imperator)

C Ursh Lanna (yellow)

  1. Ursh Lanna
  2. Nan Thorn Sîr
  3. Burh Beorills

Duchy Pinnon Rhûn

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C Eorstan (blue)

  1. Eorstan (Merp/EU4)
  2. Tinalerin (Imperator)
  3. Rathmere (Imperator)

C Smendis (red)

  1. Scari (merp)
  2. Smendis (eu4)

C Brilthen (brown)

  1. Brilthen (MERP)
  2. Bereg (Imerpator)
  3. Orada (Imerpator)

Duchy Dor Rhúnen

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D Capital Othelebed

C Dor Rhúnen (red)

  1. Dor Rhúnen
  2. Esegel
  3. Askal

C Othelebed (yellow)

  1. Burh Burikado (imperator)
  2. Othelebed
  3. Rildir-Zad

C Burh Forkikil (Brown)

  1. Burh Forkikil
  2. Ereld
  3. Amathror

Duchy Talath Rhain/Emyn Rhain

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C. Talath Rhain (Red)

  1. Talath Rhain
  2. Kitha (imperator)
  3. Burh Gadraughts

C Burh Sauthis (Blue)

  1. Burh Sauthis
  2. Radthôr (Imperator)
  3. Anwuning

Duchy Dobok Bron

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C Dobok Bron (red)

  1. Vadran
  2. Dobok Bron
  3. Sarulc

C Miel (green)

  1. Turaintarin (imperator)
  2. Tsathan (imperator)
  3. Miel (EU4)

Duchy Aglonedrain/ Ehwathrumavuld

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C. Wayhidsteade

  1. Wayhidsteade
  2. Sêdara (Imperator)
  3. Kaerst (EU4)

C (Blue)

  1. Burh Seath
  2. Medelarnis (Imperator)
  3. Burh Scath
  4. Brindril (Imperator)

C Burh Ailgra (Orange)

  1. Desh (Imperator)
  2. Burh Ailgra
  3. Arar (Imperator)

C Ehwathrumavuld (Green)

  1. Ehwathrumavuld
  2. Parnin (Imperator)
  3. Kitha (Imperator)

Duchy East Blight

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D Capital Strayhold
C Strayhold (Blue)

  1. Medelarnis
  2. Strayhold
  3. Unsibya (Unsibyaburg in Imperator)

C Burh Widu (Red)

  1. Burh Hleow
  2. Burh Widu (Vidusbaurg or Pultavod in easterling tongue)

C Burh Waldmarh (Green)

  1. Burh Waldmarh
  2. Tonarilar (imperator)
  3. Buhr Fragila (Eu4)

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Just regarding using EPE helmets for Rhun; the Khorasan Helmets are now being using as Gilded Bellakari Helms. If you are looking for a stand-in for the time being until an asset can be made; can I recommend this one;


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Remerod commented Apr 10, 2022


Just regarding using EPE helmets for Rhun; the Khorasan Helmets are now being using as Gilded Bellakari Helms. If you are looking for a stand-in for the time being until an asset can be made; can I recommend this one;

we have now gotten access to rise of mordor/the dawnless days mod for attile total war, so we'll probably port one of those helmets instead.

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Remerod commented Oct 3, 2022

I'm not done with this Stuff Jamie

@jj248 jj248 removed the suggestion label Oct 6, 2022
@JukeJukestar JukeJukestar changed the title A Rhûn Content Suggestion! Concept: Easterling Map Content Mar 15, 2023
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This was for 3.0, closing

Release 3.1 automation moved this from Suggestions to Complete Jul 11, 2023
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