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Installing on Mac

Jean J. de Jong edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 1 revision

Instructions for installing phpip on Mac OSX.


First, you need an Apache, MySQL and PHP stack.


Although current versions of Mac OSX Leopard, Snow Leopard, and Lion come pre-installed with Apache (and MySQL ?), Apple has made it hard for the casual user to get at them and configure properly. So make life easier for yourself and download MAMP :

This will give you a basic working webserver, with a Mysql database and PHP stack. The instructions for setup and installation of MAMP are pretty easy to follow.

Probably the best place to put MAMP is in the Applications folder. You will need to give yourself the rights to modify the configuration files in this folder, and also allow an admin user to read/write and execute those files as necessary. For this, you may be required to create a www/mysql user if one does not already exist on your system, else you can just use a normal user, particularly if you do not intend to make your web sites available to the public at large, but keep them internal to the users registered on the machine on which you have installed the MAMP stack. There are other tutorials and help pages for this.

Once you have a working MAMP stack, you need to get ZF :

which is short for Zend Framework. Download it, decompress/unzip it, and place the corresponding folder in your Applications folder.

Now, you need to edit your php.ini file to tell the "include" entry it to point to the /library/ folder of your Zend Framework folder. It is best to do this after having stopped MAMP. Once you have done this, save your php.ini file, and restart MAMP. Voilà, ZF should now be available.

Now copy the "phpip" folder obtained via the git command (see "Installing" (for Linux) into the /Applications/MAMP/htdocs folder, and set the permissions on this folder accordingly, including all content. This is done via a "Cmd I" on the phpip folder and changing the user permissions - remember to include admin and the user in your changes and to tick the option to apply the changes to content within the subfolders too.

Now, you should be able to connect to your phpip connection page by starting a web browser and typing :

After this, the instructions for setting up the mysql user rights should be followed as per the Installing on Linux page.

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