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Load required the js. The script regiesters a new web component waifu-assistant. This can now be used in html or from js.

<!-- Dependencies -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<!-- The web component -->
<script type="module" src=""></script>

Initialize in html body

  id="waifu-assistant" height="300" width="300"

Initialize in js

You can also initialize the element from js, like any custom element.

const waifu = document.createElement("div", {is: "waifu-assistant"});
waifu.setAttribute("dialogue-src", "/dialogue.json");
waifu.setAttribute("model-src", "");


Specify the url to the model JSON in the model-src attribute. Supports Cubism 2.1, Cubism 3 and Cubism 4 Live2D models. Model can be accessed with the WaifuAssistant.model field once loaded. See pixi-live2d-display for more details on how to manipulate the model.

Dialogue JSON

See demo/dialogue.json. Contains the predefined messages. The messages can be triggered by the auto triggers specified in the json or manually by calling WaifuAssistant.triggerDialogueById(dialogueId). The json consists of a list of dialogue objects. Json file loaded by setting the dialogue-src attribute. Example object:

  "id": "sample message",
  "text": ["Hello!"]

Each dialogue object can contain the following fields.

  • id: String. Identifier used for triggering this dialogue.
  • text: Array of strings. Contains the sequence of messages to be displayed.
  • duration (optional): Array of numbers. Specifies time spent on each message in seconds. Use element null for automatic timing.
  • motion (optional): Array of keys to model motion to be taken during message.
  • expression (optional): Array of keys to model expression to be used during message.
  • behavior (optional): String SEQUENCE|RANDOM. Default SEQUENCE.
    • SEQUENCE: Messages will be displayed in sequence.
    • RANDOM: One message will be displayed at random.
  • priority (optional): String IMMEDIATE|IS_SILENT|INTERRUPT|QUEUE. Dictates how the message is pushed. Default IMMEDIATE.
    • IMMEDIATE: clears the message queue and immediately displays message.
    • IS_SILENT: message only pushed if there is no current message being displayed.
    • INTERRUPT: immedietly displays message but then restores the previous queue.
    • QUEUE: adds the message to the end of the message queue.
  • cooldown (optional): Number. Seconds until this message may be triggered again. -1 for never repeating again.
  • chance (optional): Number from 0 to 1. Chance that the dialogue will display on trigger. Cooldown still applies on failed roll.

Trigger dialogue from js

You can easily trigger dialogue manually from js. Either messages defined in the json or custom ones.

const waifu = document.getElementById("waifu-assistant");
waifu.triggerDialogueById("welcome message"); // Triggers the message with id "welcome message" from the loaded json.
    text: ["hello", "there"]
}); // Triggers the specified dialogue object. Same object specification as detailed in #Dialogue.

Trigger JSON

See demo/triggers.json.

Browser event triggers

Objects under event_triggers specify events to trigger dialogue on. Example:

  "event": "mouseover",
  "selector": "div",
  "dialogueId": "div examined"

This will trigger the dialogue div examined when the mouseover event is triggered on an element matching the css selector div. Note that this will only work on events that bubble up to the document level. If events are captured earlier they will not be detected.


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