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This program enables one-click installation and run of Quake 1 maps and mods.

Home page: Quake One-Click Installer

Repository: Github

Link format

For packages without dependencies:


For packages with dependencies:

field explanation
download-url Url to download the resource
type see table below
gamedir Gamedir to extract files to (ex. id1, quoth, ad)
parent-package-install-link One-click install link for required package, with commas replaced with |
map-to-start (Optional) map to start after completing installation.

Install types

type explanation
root/mod-folder This type of package contains files that should be extracted directly to the Quake directory, ex. contains a single folder called sm228.
map This type of package contains only files that should be placed within the maps directory of the applicable mod directory, ex. .bsp, .lit.
gamedir Contains a collection of assets intended to be extracted to a mod directory, ex. contains pak0.pak - pak2.pak at the top level of the zip
mod-map This package type is identical to map but has a dependency on a mod package.
mod-gamedir This package type is identical to gamedir but has a dependency on a mod package.



Binaries will be available from the Releases section.



Download the Windows package and extract it to the desired location.

Run the binary (q1-installer.exe) and set up the configuration via menu. You must install the handler and set the quake paths.

If you move q1-installer.exe you must re-run the handler installation.


Download the Linux package and extract it to a location on your path.

Run the binary from a terminal (q1-installer) and set up the configuration via menu. You must install the handler and set the quake paths.

Known incompatibilities:

  • XWayland browsers will not launch the game. XOrg or native Wayland appear to work fine.
  • You may need to set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP. xdg-open q1package:asdf will return file 'q1package:asdf' does not exist if this is the issue.
  • Browsers installed via Snap do not allow custom URL handlers, use a natively installed browser instead. Not sure if Flatpak works.



Use GraalVM CE 17 as your JDK.

Run ./gradlew nativeCompile to create a binary. Install the binary as you would a release version.

Running tests

Note: Tests are not yet implemented.

To run the test suite, run ./gradlew check.

Test links

root/mod-folder type: SM228 (via Slipseer)

map type: Enforced Entropy (via Slipseer)

gamedir type: Quoth 2.2 (via Quaddicted)

mod-gamedir type: Blood Colored Rust (via Quaddicted)


One-Click installer for Quake maps/mods






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