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Box Sync doesn't work on Linux, and it doesn't lend itself to automation, so I created this CLI to Box. With it, you can download, upload, delete, and create directories, as well as pull information about files via the Box API.


Box access


requests library

To use the API, first check out and follow directions on how to create an application. Once you've got an application created, put "" in the redirect_uri field, and grab the client_id and client_secret to put them in ~/.box_config (an example is provided in box_config.ex). Ensure .box_config is in your home directory.

Run to create the tokens section in .box_config and populate your initial access and refresh tokens. If Box_Setup gives you a NoSection error, you probably don't have .box_config in your home directory. Put it there.

Run the script, and it will present you with the proper URL to access your application, just open the URL and authenticate with your RSA token (use the Single Sign On link). Then, click the "Grant access to Box" button. You will be presented with a URL in your browser that has "code=LONGSTRINGOFSTUFF" at the end. Copy/paste the LONGSTRINGOFSTUFF into the script.

The _refresh_token function will then be used by the other functions here and fetch you a new set of tokens whenever needed.

Once that is done, you can use these scripts to get information about, upload, update, and download files in Box from the command line. functions

_refresh_token updates your API and refresh tokens.

_file_upload creates a new file in your folder.

_file_update updates an existing file in your folder.

_file_download downloads a file from your folder to your local directory.

_file_delete deletes a file in your Box folder.

_file_info returns information about a file.

_folder_info will give you info about your folder.

_folder_list will retrieve a list of files in the folder.

_folder_create will create a new folder in your currently selected folder.

_folder_change allows you to change the folder you are working in on Box.

_folder_delete deletes a folder (RECURSIVELY, know what you're deleting).


box_cd Changes the directory you are working in on Box. Hint: use "box_cd home" to return to your 0 level directory.

box_down Downloads the named file from Box.

box_info Information about a file in Box.

box_ls Lists files in the Box folder.

box_rm Deletes a file in Box.

box_up Creates a file in Box. If the file exists, uploads a new version.

box_mkdir Creates a new folder in the Box folder.

box_folder_up Creates a new folder in the current Box folder and uploads the contents of a local folder to the new Box folder.

box_folder_rm Deletes an existing Box folder.

box_folder_info Retrieves information about a named folder. Retrieves the initial access and refresh tokens after you authorize the application via RSA.

You can add this folder to your path, or put symlinks in somewhere already in your path for box_ls -> ~/Box-API/, box_cd -> ~/Box-API/, etc.


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