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feat: Add functions to query a dicomtags dataframe from NBIA
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jjjermiah committed Mar 29, 2024
1 parent 872a23e commit 49af730
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Showing 2 changed files with 380 additions and 0 deletions.
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions src/nbiatoolkit/dicomtags/
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@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
from pydicom.datadict import dictionary_VR
from pydicom.datadict import tag_for_keyword
from pydicom._dicom_dict import DicomDictionary
import pandas as pd
from typing import Any, Union, List

def convert_element_to_int(element_str: str) -> int:
Converts a DICOM element string representation to an integer.
element_str (str): The DICOM element string representation.
int: The converted integer value.
>>> convert_element_to_int('(0028,0010)')
ValueError: If the element format is invalid.
if element_str.startswith(">"):
return -1

elements: list[str] = element_str.strip("()'").split(",")

# Check if the element has the correct structure
if len(elements) != 2:
raise ValueError(

Check warning on line 33 in src/nbiatoolkit/dicomtags/

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f"Invalid element format. Element must have the structure '(<INT>,<INT>)': {element_str}"

# Convert each element from string to integer
elements_int: list[int]
elements_int = [int(elem, base=16) for elem in elements]

# Combine the integers into a single integer
combined_int: int = (elements_int[0] << 16) + elements_int[1]

return combined_int

def convert_int_to_element(combined_int: int) -> str:
Converts a combined integer into a DICOM element string representation.
combined_int (int): The combined integer to be converted.
str: The DICOM element string representation of the combined integer.
>>> convert_int_to_element(0x00080060)
>>> convert_int_to_element(524384)
assert isinstance(combined_int, int), "combined_int must be an integer."

if combined_int == -1:
return "Unknown"

# Split the integer into two parts
# i.e 131073 should become (2,1)
part1: int = combined_int >> 16 # shift right by 16 bits
part2: int = combined_int & 0xFFFF # bitwise AND with 0xFFFF (16 bits)

# Convert the integers to hex strings
part1_str: str = hex(part1)[2:]
part2_str: str = hex(part2)[2:]

# (2,1) should become (0002,0001)
part1_str = part1_str.zfill(4)
part2_str = part2_str.zfill(4)

# capitalize any lowercase letters
part1_str = part1_str.upper()
part2_str = part2_str.upper()

# Combine the hex strings into a single string
combined_str: str = f"({part1_str},{part2_str})"

return combined_str

def LOOKUP_TAG(keyword: str) -> int:
Looks up a DICOM tag based on the keyword. A wrapper around the pydicom's `tag_for_keyword` function.
tag: int | None = tag_for_keyword(keyword=keyword)
if tag is None:
raise (ValueError(f"Tag not found for keyword: {keyword}"))
return tag

def element_VR_lookup(element_str: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
Looks up the VR (Value Representation) for a given DICOM element.
element_str (str): The DICOM element as a string.
tuple[int, str]: A tuple containing the combined integer representation of the element and its VR.

combined_int: int = convert_element_to_int(element_str=element_str)
if combined_int == -1:
return (-1, "Unknown")

VR: str
VR = dictionary_VR(tag=combined_int)
except KeyError:
VR = "Unknown,KeyError"

return (combined_int, VR)

def getSeriesModality(series_tags_df: pd.DataFrame) -> str:
Retrieves the modality of a DICOM series.
series_tags_df (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing DICOM series tags.
str: The modality of the DICOM series.
ValueError: If the modality tag is not found in the DICOM dictionary.
modality_tag: int | None
modality_tag = LOOKUP_TAG(keyword="Modality")

if modality_tag is None:
raise ValueError("Modality tag not found in the DICOM dictionary.")

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modality_tag_element: str = convert_int_to_element(combined_int=modality_tag)

modality_row: pd.DataFrame = series_tags_df[
series_tags_df["element"] == modality_tag_element
modality: str = modality_row["data"].values[0]

return modality

def subsetSeriesTags(series_tags_df: pd.DataFrame, element: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
Subsets a DataFrame containing DICOM series tags based on the start and end elements.

locs: pd.DataFrame
locs = series_tags_df[series_tags_df["element"].str.contains(element)]

if len(locs) == 0:
raise ValueError("Element not found in the series tags.")

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if len(locs) > 2:
raise ValueError("More than two elements found in the series tags.")

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return series_tags_df.iloc[locs.index[0] : locs.index[1]]

def getReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence(series_tags_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
modality = getSeriesModality(series_tags_df=series_tags_df)
if modality != "RTSTRUCT":
raise ValueError("Series is not an RTSTRUCT.")

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tag: int = LOOKUP_TAG(keyword="ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence")

ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence_element: str = convert_int_to_element(

df: pd.DataFrame = subsetSeriesTags(

return df

def getReferencedSeriesUIDS(series_tags_df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[str]:
Given a DataFrame containing DICOM series tags, retrieves the SeriesInstanceUIDs of the referenced series.
Useful for RTSTRUCT DICOM files to find the series that the RTSTRUCT references.
TODO:: implement SEG and RTDOSE
series_tags_df (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing DICOM series tags.
List[str]: A list of SeriesInstanceUIDs of the referenced series.
ValueError: If the series is not an RTSTRUCT.

# "SeriesInstanceUID" ---LOOKUP_TAG--> 2097166 ---convert_int_to_element--> (0020,000E)
SeriesInstanceUIDtag: int = LOOKUP_TAG(keyword="SeriesInstanceUID")
SeriesInstanceUID_element: str = convert_int_to_element(

search_space: pd.DataFrame = getReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence(

value: pd.DataFrame = search_space[

UIDS: list[str] = value["data"].to_list()

return UIDS

if __name__ == "__main__":
from nbiatoolkit import NBIAClient

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test = convert_element_to_int("(0028,0010)")

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148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
import pytest
from src.nbiatoolkit import NBIAClient
from src.nbiatoolkit.dicomtags.tags import convert_int_to_element
from src.nbiatoolkit.dicomtags.tags import convert_element_to_int
from src.nbiatoolkit.dicomtags.tags import LOOKUP_TAG
from src.nbiatoolkit.dicomtags.tags import *

def test_convert_int_to_element():
# Test case 1: combined_int = 0x00080060
result = convert_int_to_element(0x00080060)
assert result == "(0008,0060)", f"Expected (0008,0060), but got {result}"

# Test case 2: combined_int = 524384
result = convert_int_to_element(524384)
assert result == "(0008,0060)", f"Expected (0008,0060), but got {result}"

# Test case 3: combined_int = -1
result = convert_int_to_element(-1)
assert result == "Unknown", f"Expected Unknown, but got {result}"

# Test case 4: combined_int = 0
result = convert_int_to_element(0)
assert result == "(0000,0000)", f"Expected (0000,0000), but got {result}"

# Test case 5: combined_int = 65535
result = convert_int_to_element(65535)
assert result == "(0000,FFFF)", f"Expected (0000,FFFF), but got {result}"

print("All test cases passed!")

def test_convert_element_to_int():
# Test case 1: element_str = '(0028,0010)'
result = convert_element_to_int("(0028,0010)")
assert result == 2621456, f"Expected 2621456, but got {result}"

# Test case 2: element_str = '(0008,0060)'
result = convert_element_to_int("(0008,0060)")
assert result == 524384, f"Expected 524384, but got {result}"

# Test case 3: element_str = '(0000,0000)'
result = convert_element_to_int("(0000,0000)")
assert result == 0, f"Expected 0, but got {result}"

# Test case 4: element_str = '(0000,FFFF)'
result = convert_element_to_int("(0000,FFFF)")
assert result == 65535, f"Expected 65535, but got {result}"

# Test case 5: element_str = '>Unknown'
result = convert_element_to_int(">Unknown")
assert result == -1, f"Expected -1, but got {result}"

print("All test cases passed!")

def test_LOOKUP_TAG():
# Test case 1: keyword = "PatientName"
result = LOOKUP_TAG("PatientName")
assert result == 0x00100010, f"Expected 0x00100010, but got {result}"

# Test case 2: keyword = "StudyDate"
result = LOOKUP_TAG("StudyDate")
assert result == 0x00080020, f"Expected 0x00080020, but got {result}"

# Test case 3: keyword = "UnknownKeyword"
except ValueError as e:
assert (
str(e) == "Tag not found for keyword: UnknownKeyword"
), f"Expected 'Tag not found for keyword: UnknownKeyword', but got {str(e)}"
assert False, "Expected ValueError to be raised for unknown keyword"

Check warning on line 74 in tests/

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print("All test cases passed!")

def test_element_VR_lookup():
# Test case 1: element_str = '(0028,0010)'
result = element_VR_lookup("(0028,0010)")
assert result == (2621456, "US"), f"Expected (2621456, 'US'), but got {result}"

# Test case 2: element_str = '(0008,0060)'
result = element_VR_lookup("(0008,0060)")
assert result == (524384, "CS"), f"Expected (524384, 'CS'), but got {result}"

# Test case 3: element_str = '(0000,0000)'
result = element_VR_lookup("(0000,0000)")
assert result == (0, "UL"), f"Expected (0, 'UL'), but got {result}"

# Test case 4: element_str = '(0000,FFFF)'
result = element_VR_lookup("(0000,FFFF)")
assert result == (
), f"Expected (65535, 'Unknown,KeyError'), but got {result}"

# Test case 5: element_str = '>Unknown'
result = element_VR_lookup(">Unknown")
assert result == (-1, "Unknown"), f"Expected (-1, 'Unknown'), but got {result}"

print("All test cases passed!")

def client():
return NBIAClient(return_type="dataframe")

def series(client):
return client.getSeries(Collection="Pediatric-CT-SEG", Modality="RTSTRUCT")

def RTSTRUCT_Series(series):
return series[series["Modality"] == "RTSTRUCT"]

def RTSTRUCT_Tags(client, RTSTRUCT_Series):
seriesUID = RTSTRUCT_Series["SeriesInstanceUID"].values[0]
assert seriesUID is not None, "Expected seriesUID to be returned, but got None"

tags_df = client.getDICOMTags(seriesUID)
assert tags_df is not None, "Expected tags to be returned, but got None"

return tags_df

def test_getDICOMTags(RTSTRUCT_Tags):
seriesUIDS = getReferencedSeriesUIDS(RTSTRUCT_Tags)
expected = [""]
assert seriesUIDS == expected, f"Expected {expected}, but got {seriesUIDS}"

def test_getSeriesModality(RTSTRUCT_Tags):
modality = getSeriesModality(RTSTRUCT_Tags)
assert modality == "RTSTRUCT", f"Expected 'RTSTRUCT', but got {modality}"

# Test case 2: modality tag not found
RTSTRUCT_Tags[RTSTRUCT_Tags["element"] == "(0008,0060)"].index, inplace=True

with pytest.raises(IndexError) as e:

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