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Edits to code provided by CU Boulder Research Computing container to run on RMACC. Their container can be found here:

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Edits to code provided by CU Boulder Research Computing container to run on RMACC. Their container can be found here: That container is based on the Docker provided by ASF Vertex here:

These instructions require having gdal, an open source software to both read and convert DEM's.

Notes here are based on my workflow and subject to future change and clarification. Screenshots of particular steps are currently in the following google doc:

ISCE with Research computing setup: Steps for using your own DEM and submitting job arrays

1. Follow the steps to download the ASF DOCKER from the RC Computing github:

2. Copy the following files into your containers directory, which is created in the installation in step one.

  • arcgis_template.xml -no edits needed
  • -no edits needed
  • topsApp_template.xml
  • LagosP1F16Asc.txt -example input file

3. DEM setup:

The DOCKER wants a dem named “dem.envi” with SRTM pixel convention. If you are happy with a standard DEM, you can skip this step and it will download automatically. They can also be downloaded from

Convert the DEM to .envi using gdal_translate. ($ gdal_translate -of envi smaller_10m.tif dem.envi)

If ISCE is installed on your machine, you can convert and prep the DEM using It will generate an .xml and .vrt file automatically. If you do this, the final DEM step is to edit dem.envi.xml and change property name="file_name" to the location dem.envi will be stored on Summit. Skip to Part B ($ -i dem.envi)

Below are workaround instructions if ISCE is not installed.

For SRTM pixel convention: Now that the DEM is set up, edit the following fields in demeexample.envi.xml according to your output from calling gdalinfo on the newly created DEM. then rename the demexample.envi.xml to dem.envi

$gdalinfo dem.envi

Component Name (in .xml file) gdalinfo output
coordinate1 - delta Pixel Size [0]
coordinate1 - starting value* Origin [0]
coordinate1 - size Size [0]
coordinate2 - delta Pixel Size [1]
coordinate2 - starting value* Origin [1]
coordinate2 - size Size [1]
length Size [1]
width Size [0]

Edit the property name="file_name" in the dem.envi.xml file to match the the location dem.envi will be stored on Summit

Generate a .vrt file to complete the necessary files for processing ($ gdalbuildvrt dem.envi.vrt dem.envi)

Copy dem.envi, dem.envi.xml, and dem.envi.vrt to Summit, in a directory you specified in the previous step. The example has my path, which follows the infrastructure displayed at the bottom.

DEM setup part B:

open topsApp_template.xml.

Edit the property name=”dem filename” path to match the stored DEM on Summit.

Run gdal_info on your DEM, and make note of the corner coordinates in the output. Fill in the coordinates of the entire DEM in the "region of interest" and "geocode bounding box", or a smaller subset in SNWE order. example: [6.0229007, 7.0312007, 3.0039348, 4.0172348] [6.0229007, 7.0312007, 3.0039348, 4.0172348]

Finally, open Edit the "export DEM_LOCATION=/projects/jojo8550/dems/Lagos/5m/" to wherever your DEM is stored

4. SAR granules list setup. It is possible to get these lists from a couple different sites, and to generate lists that do more than run sequentially. As an example, here’s the one I used for my setup. I recommend looking at the google doc linked at the top for images of each section

Start at

Select your geographic area of interest with dataset of Sentinel 1, File type L1 SLC, Beam mode IW.

Find a frame and path that fits your area of interest, you can use the filters to only show scenes from a particular Path and Frame.

Search again with the path and frame in your filter, which should narrow down the list of images. Add all results to downloads, open downloads, and select the “Copy file IDs” option on the bottom.

Save this SLC list in a text file to the same containers directory, and double check that it matches the name given to the variable SLC_LIST in If you are simply pairing each with the consecutive image, you can use the provided example format.

If you are running multiple secondary images with the same reference, you will need to generate a list. I provide LagosP1RefSample.txt and LagosP1SecSample.txt as an example. To do so, you would change REF_GRANULE and SEC_GRANULE in to the following:

REF_GRANULE=$(sed -n "${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p" LagosP1RefSample.txt)
SND_GRANULE=$(sed -n "${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p" LagosP1SecSample.txt)

5. Edit jobscript_array settings. Relevant ones to change are listed here in the order they appear:

Change line 18 in #SBATCH --mail-user input for the email address of the user, which receives an alert when the job finishes. Change this to your own email

Change line 20 in #SBATCH --array declares which of the array elements to run, up to 1000 pairs in parallel. This command is based off of a text file that lists SAR images to be downloaded from ASF. The provided example has a list of images over Lagos, with path 1, Frame 16, ascending view. The list has 54 lines, so 1-53 are the max pairs that can be ran (since the jobscript_array uses 53+1 for the secondary image).

Change line 33 in export DEM_LOCATION=/projects/$USER/dems/Lagos/5m/dem.envi to where your DEM is located.

#Extract names of granules for given array ID. The code below will match each reference granule with the following image. Change LagosP1F16Asc.txt to your formatted file list, with the oldest image listed first, and most recent at the bottom.

Change line 38 in REF_GRANULE=$(sed -n "${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p" LagosP1F16Asc.txt) Change line 39 in SND_GRANULE=$(sed -n "$(expr $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID + 1)p" LagosP1F16Asc.txt)

Change line 44 in SETUP_DIR=/scratch/summit/$USER/Lagos/5m to an existing folder where you want your results to be stored

Change line 62 in Be sure the –username and –password fields have your earthdata login

6. Submit the job to SUMMIT using the following command: $ sbatch

Progress can be checked by using the sacct command. By following these instructions, an email will be sent when it finishes. The completed files will be placed wherever JOBDIR is set to, in the file.


Edits to code provided by CU Boulder Research Computing container to run on RMACC. Their container can be found here:






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