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i18n-stringer is a golang international language pack tool, refer to the official stinger tool





Because ioutil is not used, to build a binary executable file the minimum version of Go 1.16 is required, because of the use of context.Context the generated code can be used for version 1.7 and above

go Version 1.16 and above for install/使用go1.16及其以上版本编译安装

go install

或者也可以直接從release下載對應平台編譯好的二進制 可執行程序放置於環境變量目錄下 即可使用:

The example directory gives an example of usage witch used gomod


cd example
# Note that the files generated in `example` directory are ignored, 
# you need to execute the following command to generate
go generate ./...
go run main.go


You can use the make command for development and debugging, can debug multiple examples in the test directory

make debug

1.2、Define Numerical shaping Constant/定義整數數值型常量

type Code int

const (
    ERROROFYOU Code = iota + 1   
    ERROROFMINE Code = 10000

Numerical shaping: such as int, uint, uint32, etc.

1.3、Define Language Package/定義語言包

Use only TOML format files

  • 定义语言包目录:语言包目录位于定义常量源码文件的同级目录下的子目录,默认语言包目录名称为i18n
  • The language package directory is located in a subdirectory of the same level directory that defines the constant source code file. The default language package directory name is i18n
  • 语言包目录下使用TOML文件定义i18n翻译的键值对;
  • Use TOML files in the language package directory to define key-value pairs for i18n translation
  • 语言包目录下若使用子目录,则子目录名将被作为语言类型标记,子目录下TOML文件名和文件数目不做限制,例如:en
  • If a subdirectory is used in the language package directory, the name of the subdirectory will be marked as the language type, TOML file name and number of files in subdirectories are not limited. For example: en;
  • 语言包目录下不使用子目录直接定义TOML文件的,则TOML文件的文件名将被作为语言类型标记,例如:en.toml
  • If the TOML file is directly defined in language package directory, the file name of the TOML file will be marked as the language type. For example: en.toml;
  • 语言包键值对的键名使用常量字面量,上述例子中ERROROFYOU就将作为键名;
  • Use constant literals for the key names of language pack key-value pairs. In the above example, ERROROFYOU will be used as the key name

1.4、代码生成/Generate Code

Go to the directory that defines the constant under the terminal and execute it


$GOPATH/bin/i18n-stringer -type Code -tomlpath i18n

You can also use the go generate command directly in the constant source code

你也可以配合go generate指令直接在定于常量的源码里使用

// write this code in your golang source code, then use `go generate` command
//go:generate $GOPATH/bin/i18n-stringer -type Code -tomlpath i18n

1.5、開發調試/Dev and debugging


You can use the -check command to check the missing key-value pairs of the language pack

$GOPATH/bin/i18n-stringer -type Code -tomlpath i18n -check


After the command with -check is executed, if there are missing key-value pairs or useless key-value pairs, the following prompt may be output to assist development

i18n-stringer: Check Fail
i18n-stringer: The missing key-value pair information as follows
i18n-stringer: You can copy and fill it to the corresponding TOML file
************TYPE `Single` locale `zh-hk` missing key-value pair************
i18n-stringer: Check Warning
i18n-stringer: key-value pairs that will not be used because there is no corresponding constant
i18n-stringer: You can delete the key-value pairs in the corresponding TOML file
************Can be deleted TOML keys of locale `en`************

1.6、指令詳情/command details

Get more help information about commands


$GOPATH/bin/i18n-stringer --help
Usage of i18n-stringer:
        i18n-stringer [flags] -type T [directory]
        i18n-stringer [flags] -type T -tomlpath DIR -check # just for check
        i18n-stringer [flags] -type T -defaultlocale LOCALE -tomlpath DIR files... # Must be a single package
For more information, see:
        Check missing or useless key-value pairs in TOML
  -ctxkey string
        key used by context.Value for get locale; default i18nLocale
  -defaultlocale string
        set default locale name; default naturally sorted first
  -output string
        output file name; default srcdir/<type>_i18n_string.go
  -tags string
        comma-separated list of build tags to apply
  -tomlpath string
        set toml i18n file path; default srcdir/i18n
  -type string
        comma-separated list of type names; must be set

If your GOBIN directory has been added to the environment variable, the above $GOPATH/bin/ can also be omitted


1.7、調用/Code call

For example

Directory tree

├── i18n
│     └── en.toml
│     ├── zh_cn.toml
│     └── zh_hk
│     │     ├── user.toml
│     │     └── merchant.toml
└── code.go

Given the name of a (signed or unsigned) integer type T that has constants defined at file code.go

package foo

type Pill int

const (
    Placebo Pill = iota
    Acetaminophen = Paracetamol // NOTE: with the same value will be ignored, do not use same value

Define TOML key-value pairs in all locale TOML file, example for i18n/en.toml

Placebo="en locale Placebo"
Aspirin="en locale Aspirin"
Ibuprofen="en locale Ibuprofen"
Acetaminophen="en locale Acetaminophen"

running this command

i18n-stringer -type=Pill

in the same directory will create the file pill_i18n_string.go, in package foo, containing a definition of, and a struct I18nPillErrorWrap will also be created

type Pill Added method

func (Pill) String() string
func (Pill) Error() string
func (Pill) Wrap(err error, locale string, args ...interface{}) I18nPillErrorWrap
func (Pill) WrapWithContext(ctx context.Context, err error, args ...interface{}) I18nPillErrorWrap
func (Pill) IsLocaleSupport(locale string) bool
func (Pill) Lang(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) string
func (Pill) Trans(locale string, args ...interface{}) string

Now you can use type Pill's methods with the locale identifier to get the translation value

因部分翻譯文本中可能會使用諸如%s類型的替換佔位符在代碼中實時更改,建議規劃好整形數值區間, 某些區間的值專門用於替換%s的。

Because some translation texts may use replacement placeholders such as %s to change in the code in real time, it is recommended to plan the integer value range, and this range values are specifically used to replace %s.

二、TOML规范支持/TOML Specification Support

TOML Link :

  • TOML文件仅支持Basic strings形式的字符串键值对,形如:Key="value",也就意味着一对键值对只能位于一行
  • TOML file only support Basic strings key/value, shaped like Key="value", do not support Multi-line basic strings, pair K/V only be located on one line
  • TOML键名仅支持裸键,键名只能包含ASCII字母,ASCII数字,下划线和短横线(A-Za-z0-9_-
  • TOML file only support Bare keys,only contain ASCII letters, ASCII digits, underscores, and dashes(A-Za-z0-9_-)
  • 区块也就是TOML官方的Table将被忽略
  • The block section, which is the TOML official Table, will be ignored
  • 支持#开头的注释,注释将被忽略
  • Support comments starting with #, comments will be ignored