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Joseph Sayler edited this page Sep 21, 2019 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the JTIMLmaster wiki!

Package Installation:

  1. Install R. R is required to use Rstudio (see next step). You can download the latest version for your operating system here
  2. Install RStudio. It is the easiest way to use R on a Mac or a PC. You can download the latest version from here
  3. Install devtools. Once these are both installed, open RStudio and type the following into the prompt: install.packages("devtools") and hit enter. This will download and install an administrative package called devtools. This package will allow you to install other packages from GitHub directly.
    A note to Mac users: Before installing devtools on MacOS, you will need to open the Terminal app (⌘+Space and type Terminal), then type the following into the terminal:
    xcode-select --install
  4. Install JTIMLmaster. After devtools (and any dependencies) has installed, type the following into the prompt: devtools::install_github("jjsayleraxio/JTIMLmaster") and hit enter. This command will pull the source files from this repository and install them, along with all dependencies, onto your computer.
  5. Optional: once finished, you can now type library(JTIMLmaster) into the prompt to load this library and use its functions.


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